A Youth Perspective on Invisible Disabilities

This report pulls together multiple resources to present a snapshot of Invisible Disabilities in New Zealand.

Author: Dr Annick Janson

Invisible disabilities include specific developmental disorders, or conditions including muscle weakness, coordination and communication difficulties, cognitive delays, specific learning disabilities, emotional and behavioural problems and lack of inhibition leading to socially inappropriate behaviour.

"This report is a based on our New Zealand youth and their family’s experience of life with an Invisible Disability. It has allowed us to pull together multiple resources so that we now present a snapshot of Invisible Disabilities in New Zealand right now!

"The Invisible Disabilities Cube decided that it was time that New Zealand needed to grab hold of the old “No 8 wire” practice and start the process of finding out and reporting on what is really happening in the NZ landscape. What are we, who work and live within this sector, doing to help ourselves, our clients and their families using what we have here, in New Zealand, right now? It is wonderful that there is currently so much forward planning. We can look forward to expected outcomes in 2020, 2023 or perhaps in 2026 – yet what’s happening right now? Who is looking after the children who do not fit into, yet are going through the ‘mainstream’ systems right now? What about their future?"

From the Introduction to the report

In her research Dr Janson found that:

The Invisible Disabilities Cube Collective is committed to continuing to work together directed by the voices of their stakeholder group. They need to be recognised as key partners with government departments; co-designing policy development, implementation and review. More research is needed in areas such as health, education, justice to ensure that project and programme design is meeting the true needs of the stakeholder group.

Read and download the free pdf in your browser here.

The publisher is The Cube.

State of the Sector Report: A Youth Perspective on Invisible Disabilities © The Cube 2017.

All Rights Reserved. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher except for the quotation of brief passages in reviews.


Paper | 02.08.17

education, intellectual disabilities, New Zealand, Paper

Annick Janson

New Zealand

Researcher & psychologist developing leadership within vulnerable families

Annick Janson

New Zealand

Researcher & psychologist developing leadership within vulnerable families

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