Simple Steps in Action

Varun Vidyarthi is the coordinator for Citizen Network India and here shares his thoughts on citizenship.

Varun Vidyarthi is the coordinator for Citizen Network India and here shares his thoughts on citizenship.

The steps appear naive and simple. But a book can be written on every one of them. I consider them to be starting points of moving towards a new citizenship.

I would particularly like to mention the need to work on methods of self-reflection and action.

There is a whole science of Yoga in the background which is encompassed in a simple saying:

All Life Is Yoga

Every little thought process, action or reaction is included as we unfold the deeper aspects.

Perhaps these slides could be a starter for discussion and action on citizenship - a concept that needs to be understood and practiced by all.

Slide | 19.07.17

community, disability, India, Slide

Varun Vidyarthi


Founder and CEO of Manavodaya

Varun Vidyarthi


Founder and CEO of Manavodaya