Ralph Broad describes a long-standing social innovation, first developed in Australia, which helps people stay part of their communities and prevents crises and unmet need.
Author: Ralph Broad
Ralph Broad sets out the case for changing the whole approach of the social care system in England and Wales. He argues that the current system waits for crises and then responds with services. This is wasteful and damaging to our communities. It would be smarter to learn from the model of Local Area Coordination, first developed by Eddie Bartnik in Western Australia, which uses local government employed professionals to work directly to support people in their own communities.
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The publisher is the Centre for Welfare Reform. Local Area Coordination © Ralph Broad 2012. All Rights Reserved. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher except for the quotation of brief passages in reviews.
community, disability, Local Area Coordination, social care, England, Paper