Ralph Broad


Ralph is Director of Inclusive Neighbourhoods Ltd and Founder of the Local Area Coordination Network in England and Wales. He studied at the Tizard Centre, University of Kent at Canterbury, completing his MA in Management in Community Care in 2007 and was previously an Honorary Fellow at the University of Edinburgh.

Ralph has more than 30 years experience in working in a wide range of statutory and voluntary sector organisations in England, Scotland and Western Australia. His work is underpinned by the belief that every person has the right to build and pursue their vision for a good life and that communities are stronger, more welcoming and more self-sufficient where all people have the opportunity to share strengths and expertise and contribute to local community life.

As Director of Inclusive Neighbourhoods Ltd, Ralph led the development of Local Area Coordination in England and Wales. Building on the original, groundbreaking developments and long term evidence in Western Australia, Local Area coordination has become an integral part of strengthening individuals, families, communities and wider service reform in an increasing number of local authority areas.

Inclusive Neighbourhoods subsequently established and developed the Local Area Coordination Network, initially as part of Inclusive Neighbourhoods and then as a Community Interest Company (CIC) to support the long-term development, learning and sustainability of Local Area Coordination in England and Wales. Over the past 10 years, Local Area Coordination has grown in England and Wales, supported by 14 independent evaluations showing strong, consistent, positive outcomes alongside individuals, families, communities and the wider service system. The Network is now led by long-term partner Community Catalysts CIC. 

Ralph is currently supporting new international developments of Local Area Coordination in Western Australia and Singapore, as part of whole system transformation. He is also supporting Local Area Coordination conversations alongside NDIS partner organisations across Australia. Following his work with local leaders and activists there are some fabulous and powerful stories emerging from Local Area Coordination areas showing people and families building and pursuing their own vision for a good life; building their own resilience and connections, being valued for their contribution and reducing their need for, and dependence on, formal services.

Ralph has a passion to continuing to build partnerships for change alongside other people and organisations keen to make a difference alongside local people, families and communities. Most importantly, he likes to walk the Lake District mountains with his dog Millie.

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