There are 50 resources from Australia.
Reviews: 02.09.24
Inclusive Education: Theory, Policy and Practice
A guidebook for educators, policy-makers and practitioners advancing the journey to inclusive education.
Paper: 24.04.24
Capacity Building for Valued Lives
A report on the work of the National Alliance of Capacity-building Organisations (NACBO).
Paper: 27.08.23
Redesigning the NDIS
A vision for reforming the NDIS as a regenerative system of support co-designed with people with disabilities.
Article: 20.09.22
Reimagining Disability in Family Life
The ideal of citizenship helps a father reset his relationship with his daughter with disabilities.
Slide: 31.03.22
Is Citizenship Our Business?
Avivo, pioneers in self-direction in Australia, are transforming the organisation to support citizenship at work.
Webinar: 08.11.21
Launch of Power and Connection
The first book dedicated to exploring Local Area Coordination and integrating more than 30 years of research.
Paper: 14.01.21
Rethinking Organisations
A paper from WAiS's program to help Support Providers explore alternative organisational theory and practices that…
Article: 02.04.20
The Upstream Response to COVID-19
Dr Simon Duffy sets out some key principles to guide local communities as they develop their response to the COVID-19…
Film: 25.02.20
A global force for change
Citizen Network is a global non-profit cooperative movement, formed to create a world where everyone matters.
Paper: 17.02.20
Self-Direction Worldwide
Lynn Breedlove observes the competing conceptions of self-directed support emerging around the world.
Story: 19.12.19
3 Self-Directed Support Stories
Three stories from Finland of how self-directed support is beginning to work in practice plus other resources
Slide: 28.10.19
Piloting for Self-Directed Support
Simon Duffy, Kate Fulton and Tim Keilty shared their work with leaders in Finland in order to explore how best to pilot…
Slide: 28.10.19
Self-Directed Support and Community Organisations
Kate Fulton shares the recent changes to the Australian support system (NDIS) and work by Avivo and others to radically…
Webinar: 27.08.19
Keys to Citizenship - Part 8
This webinar is the last in the series: Keys to Citizenship in Action which is being hosted by Citizen Network…
Webinar: 17.06.19
Keys to Citizenship - Part 7
This webinar is the 7th of 8 in the series: Keys to Citizenship in Action which is being hosted by Citizen Network…
Webinar: 01.06.19
Keys to Citizenship - Part 6
This webinar is the 6th of 8 in the series: Keys to Citizenship in Action which is being hosted by Citizen network…
Webinar: 10.05.19
Keys to Citizenship - Part 5
This webinar is the 5th of 8 in the series: Keys to Citizenship in Action which is being hosted by Citizen Network…
Webinar: 08.05.19
Keys to Citizenship - Part 4
This webinar is the 4th of 8 in the series: Keys to Citizenship in Action which is being hosted by Citizen Network…
Webinar: 11.04.19
Keys to Citizenship - Part 3
This webinar is the 3rd of 8 in the series: Keys to Citizenship in Action which is being hosted by Citizen Network…
Paper: 08.04.19
Excluding Citizens with Disabilities from Voting
Matthew Potocnik describes the barriers created by the social care system in Australia to the active citizenship of…
Webinar: 28.03.19
Keys to Citizenship - Part 2
This webinar is the 2nd of 8 in the series: Keys to Citizenship in Action which is being hosted by Citizen Network…
Webinar: 14.03.19
Keys to Citizenship - Part 1
This webinar is the 1st of 8 in the series: Keys to Citizenship in Action which is being hosted by Citizen Network…
Project: 26.02.19
Everyone Vote
Making elections accessible for people with intellectual disabilities.
Inspiration: 28.11.18
Stories Connect Us to Citizenship
The Keys to Citizenship have been reimagined as a tool for exchange and learning based on wisdom from the Australian…
Paper: 03.05.18
Now and Next
The innovative leadership pipeline for families with young children with disability or delay developed by Plumtree.
Project: 23.02.18
The R Word
Campaign to stop people using the word ‘retard’
Paper: 02.10.17
Progress on Personalised Support
This report builds on an international survey of support organisations to develop a model of personalised support.
Film: 27.09.17
Now and Next Alumni
This film celebrates the growth of the peer network Plumtree have incubated in Sydney, Australia.
Paper: 25.09.17
The Parent Professional Relationship Statement
Now and Next Alumni parents and families produced this position statement on how the best partnerships and…
Inspiration: 31.01.17
Hope Assistance Local Tradies
HALT is a ground-breaking mental health initiative where people working in the building industries get to organise,…
Film: 13.01.17
The Community Living Project provides opportunities for people with a disability to establish their own small…
Film: 13.01.17
The Community Living Project has a focus on building strong relationships and circles of support for people with…
Film: 12.01.17
The Community Living Project (CLP) is a family led organisation supporting people with a disability to access the good…
Article: 09.01.17
Working for Lives of Common Dignity
Rhonda Galbally, a leading disability activist in Australia, explains how the National Disability Insurance Scheme…
Article: 04.07.16
The Goal is Citizenship Not the NDIS
Kate Fulton explores what support providers in Australia should focus on to deliver better outcomes for those who will…
Paper: 26.04.16
Life on the Back Roads
Dr Mark Bagshaw is Deputy President of the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) and writes here about his…
Article: 26.06.14
Pro-Innovation NDIS
How NDIS could be developed to promote, not hinder, social innovation.
Paper: 02.06.14
Working on the Inside
Kate Fulton offers insight into the inner dimension of change that is essential to working respectfully and with…
Film: 15.02.14
Equality and Diversity
Simon Duffy talks about how the idea of citizenship can help us reconcile equality and human diversity.
Article: 14.02.14
Reforming NDIS
Simon Schwab outlines the principles that should underpin the reform of NDIS.
Paper: 10.09.13
A Personalised Approach to Safeguards in the NDIS
Marita Walker, Kate Fulton and Bruce Bonyhady offer an approach to safeguarding and quality that starts from the…
Article: 28.05.13
Statements of the Obvious on NDIS
Tony Lanigan has written a list of statements of the obvious that may be helpful to the designers of Disability Care…
Slide: 08.04.13
Travelling Hopefully - lessons for NDIS
This talk was given to some of those leading the design of Australia's NDIS and setting out international and English…
Paper: 24.02.13
Travelling Hopefully
Simon Duffy describes international best practice in self-directed support and personal budgets.
Paper: 24.02.13
Designing NDIS
An international perspective on the design of systems of individualised funding for people with disabilities.
Paper: 20.02.13
The Road to NDIS
This paper by Robbi Williams and Simon Duffy explores the English experience as a valuable source of information for…
Paper: 22.01.13
Shared Management
Shared Management is an approach for organising practical support using the expertise of people, families and…
Story: 22.01.13
Michelle and NDIS
Dell Stagg describes how she rescued her daughter from an institutional service and the need to respect families in the…