Is Citizenship Our Business?

Avivo, pioneers in self-direction in Australia, are transforming the organisation to support citizenship at work.

Avivo is a community organisation based in Western Australia who have been challenging the traditional organisational paradigms. Over the last few years they have been exploring how an organisation can support citizenship in the way they operate and in how they engage with the communities they serve.

Avivo see themselves as part of an overall system that is focused on thriving and inclusive communities. In order to achieve their purpose they place significant value on individual development with a belief that successful organisations and thriving people are inseparable.

This presentation by Kate Fulton shares Avivo's learning so far. You can also download the presentation as a pdf (see link below).

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Slides on: Is Citizenship Our Business? © Kate Fulton 2022.


Slide | 31.03.22

community, Neighbourhood Care, Australia, Slide

Kate Fulton



Rosie Lawn



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