Shared Management

Shared Management is an approach for organising practical support using the expertise of people, families and service providers.

Shared Management is an approach for organising practical support using the expertise of people, families and service providers. Developed in the 1990s in Western Australia and it is becoming increasingly more popular.

Shared Management gives people an alternative to employing your own supporters or simply accepting a service totally managed by your service provider. 

There are a range of options for Shared management which include:

  1. Employing your own team, but getting some help and support
  2. Employing your own team, but organisation manages finances and administration
  3. Organisation employs the team, but you direct on a day-to-day basis

This report by Western Australia Individualised Services (WAiS), a community of practice for service providers, describes the model in its Western Australian context. Kate Fulton and Marita Walker have also been exploring how to help other organisations around the world to begin to offer this, more flexible, model of support.

Read and download the free pdf in your browser, link below.

This document is continually updated by the WAIS community, so please check out the latest version on their website.

The publisher is Western Australia Individualised Services.

Shared Management © Western Australia Individualised Services 2012.


Paper | 22.01.13

housing, intellectual disabilities, local government, social care, Australia, Paper

Kate Fulton



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