Citizen Network members share ideas, stories and writings on how to advance citizenship for real.
Article: 30.11.11
The Meaning of Dignity
A short essay written by Simon Duffy on the true meaning of dignity.
Article: 24.11.11
Implementing Self-Directed Support
This short essay offers some thoughts about the lessons other countries might want to draw from the English experience…
Article: 07.11.11
Wolf Wolfensberger - A Tribute
Wolf Wolfensberger, the father of normalisation died in February 2011. Nan Carle pays tribute to the man she describes…
Article: 07.11.11
Fear is Always a Choice - What Will You Choose?
A thoughtful insight on how we might manage our emotional wellbeing in difficult times written by Nan Carle.
Article: 18.10.11
NHS Values & Personalisation
This short essay describes how to face some of the fears raised about the application of personalisation within the…
Article: 06.07.11
The Key to Support Planning
Liam Toner explains how support planning could become genuinely empowering rather than just another bureaucratic…
Article: 29.06.11
Cuts to UK Benefits
Ben Baumberg of the LSE provides an overview of the cuts in UK benefits and how they target disabled people.
Article: 12.06.11
Revisiting Barclay
Bob Rhodes and Ralph Broad argue that social work and social care should return to the thinking set out in the Barclay…
Article: 05.06.11
Commissioning for Health Improvement
Brian Fisher describes a model developed in Lewisham which could shift healthcare away from institutional and…
Article: 27.05.11
Care and Support or a Fascist Plot?
Norma Curran explains the roots of Training in Systematic Instruction (TSI) and the failure to focus on building…
Article: 22.05.11
Simplify the RAS
Resource Allocation Systems (RAS) have become too complex. Barnsley and The Centre for Welfare Reform are exploring a…
Article: 10.05.11
Do's and Don'ts for a New Script
This paper is a working document to help authorities 'rescript' their social work role - to make it more positive,…
Article: 01.05.11
Real Welfare Reform
Real welfare reform is about designing a welfare state that ensures everyone gets the support they need to live good and…
Article: 03.04.11
Planning with Families
Pippa Murray summarises the main things you need to do to help families plan for themselves and disabled family…
Article: 02.04.11
Cuts - Yes, Minister
Geoff Tudor imagines the discussions that led to plans to cut mobility allowance for people inside residential care…
Article: 21.03.11
In Memory of Wolf Wolfensberger
A man who probably did more to change the understandings and situations for disabled and vulnerable people and their…
Article: 15.03.11
Proactive Primary Care
An example of how UK primary care can offer safer more supportive personalised care whilst saving money at the same…
Article: 14.03.11
How Can We Save the Big Society?
Gabriel Chanan and Colin Miller argue that the Big Society project will fail unless it focuses on real community…
Article: 03.02.11
UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
This is a powerful vision of the opportunities and support which should be available to disabled people and their…
Article: 03.02.11
Unfair Cuts
Public expenditure cuts by the UK government will target disabled people, older people who need extra help, poor…
Article: 03.02.11
Unfair Cuts in Detail
The current social care system in the UK is deeply unfair and needs reforming; however current efforts by Central…
Article: 02.02.11
Changes to Housing Funding
Housing Options explains how current changes to the funding of housing will reduce housing mobility, home ownership…
Article: 01.02.11
Personalised Education
Personalised education is a widely stated ambition, and some local leaders are making progress, but central systems…
Article: 10.01.11
Don't Monkey with People's Lives
Carl Poll gets to the heart of why the relationship between professionals and citizens can often go so wrong - and what we…
Article: 06.01.11
Citizenship in a Decent Society
Simon Duffy sets out the challenge that treating each other as citizenship sets to a society that aims to be decent
Article: 06.01.11
Connection Not Inclusion
Carl Poll explains the subtle but important difference between connecting and including
Article: 08.11.10
Conditions to Work
The debate about conditionality in work and the benefits system is confusing and this does not help us build systems…
Article: 07.11.10
Integration through Personalisation
Only a model which examines the value and role of integration from the perspective of the citizen will begin to bring…
Article: 03.11.10
Avoid the Quantum Leap
Terry Lynch explores how to avoid those desperate placements in residential care, unnecessary hospitalisation or…
Article: 01.11.10
Are Individual Budgets Really Mine?
Simon Duffy argues that individual budgets are provided as additional income, which is provided to people in order…