
Your search for individual service fund produced 285 results.

  1. Mencap's New Strategy

    Mencap, who are one of the most important organisations in England working with people with learning difficulties, have announced some big changes.

    Article 2020-12-14 16:30:00

  2. Simplify the RAS

    Resource Allocation Systems (RAS) have become too complex. Barnsley and The Centre for Welfare Reform are exploring a radically simplified version of the RAS.

    Article 2011-05-22 15:23:00

  3. Briefing for MPs for Opposition Day Debate

    This Briefing for MPs from Pat's Petition also provides a general overview of the series of cuts being imposed by the UK Government.

    Article 2013-07-08 14:23:00

  4. ISFs are a Simple Innovation

    Simon Duffy explains what an Individual Service Fund is, why it it is useful and what a simple innovation it is.

    Film 2014-05-15 14:02:00

  5. Pro-Innovation NDIS

    How NDIS could be developed to promote, not hinder, social innovation.

    Article 2014-06-26 22:15:00

  6. Travels in Human-Based Development

    Pete Richmond sets out what we can learn from Manavodaya a development organisation based in India and the UK, in relation to the idea of personalisation.

    Article 2014-09-19 16:30:00

  7. Next Steps on Inclusion

    Simon Duffy wonders why progress to inclusion seems to have stalled and sets out the case for personalised support.

    Article 2016-05-04 20:00:00

  8. Why the UK Needs a Written Constitution

    Gavin Barker on the issues of democratic accountability and the protections we should build into our welfare system.

    Article 2017-11-10 11:33:00

  9. Elements of a New Constitution

    The Centre for Welfare Reform supports the movement for a written constitution, based on radical democratic reform, strong human rights, peach and devolution.

    Article 2018-04-16 13:04:00

  10. Mental Health and Continuity of Care

    David Zigmond asks the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care whether mental health can be advanced by procedures instead of relationships.

    Article 2019-01-29 15:18:00

  11. Map of ISFs in England

    A map showing progress on Individual Service Funds (ISFs) in England.

    Map 2019-05-29 13:58:00

  12. Creating Blue Space

    David Towell reviews Hans Meissner's illuminating account of the journey from institutional services for people with learning disabilities to individualised housing and support.

    Review 2019-09-16 12:02:00

  13. Improve Health by Growing Community

    Our health is damaged by isolation, inequality and powerlessness, so we must reconnect people by conscious community development

    Article 2021-05-14 13:07:00

  14. Self-Advocacy History Before 1984

    The People First movement leads the way in self-advocacy today, but there were also earlier developments which should not be forgotten.

    Article 2021-09-15 11:39:00

  15. ISFs in Action - to be published on 7 March 2012

    How a large block contract was converted into individual service funds - report launch 7 March…

    News 2012-03-05

  16. Resource Allocation System (RAS)

    A Resource Allocation System (RAS) is any set of rules that allows fair allocations to be made to people who need extra support.

    Inspiration 2009-08-01 15:01:00

  17. ISFs in Action

    A research report by Sian Hoolahan of Choice Support describing the progress being made in Southwark using Individual Service Funds.

    Paper 2012-03-02 16:06:00

  18. Is it Right to Buy a Right?

    Jim Elder-Woodward explores the injustice of social care charging in the UK and the double taxation of disabled people.

    Article 2012-09-03 20:32:00

  19. What is Wrong with Supported Living?

    Simon Duffy explores how the principles of supported living have been corrupted and how we need to move to a focus on rights.

    Article 2013-07-29 15:30:00

  20. What Went Wrong with Personalisation?

    Simon Duffy explores the unfulfilled potential of personalisation.

    Article 2014-02-13 16:04:00

  21. Sharing Our Gifts - Lessons for Social Work

    Mark Harvey describes how understanding your own community gifts and assets will make you a better practitioner.

    Article 2014-04-10 08:11:00

  22. Care Cuts: Indignity & Uprootedness

    An anonymous account of the reality of social care for one man with complex disabilities in the United Kingdom.

    Story 2016-08-04 09:09:00

  23. Breaking the ATU Impasse

    Steven Rose wonders why Government policy to close ATUs and end the admission of people with learning disabilities to private hospitals has been so poor.

    Article 2017-06-19 14:35:00

  24. NHS Reform: Money Can't Buy Love

    David Zigmond argues that more money alone won't restore the NHS to the values of its birth. The NHS needs more trust, freedom and cooperation.

    Article 2019-11-29 14:53:00

  25. Buurtzorg and Self-Management

    Buurtzorg is a powerful social innovation, started in the Netherlands, which enables self-management and continuity of care.

    Article 2020-02-24 14:43:00

  26. How to Make Control Work

    How can we help people to take control in a system of self-directed support.

    Article 2022-05-23 14:55:00

  27. Redesigning the NDIS

    A vision for reforming the NDIS as a regenerative system of support co-designed with people with disabilities.

    Paper 2023-08-27 10:00:00

  28. Our Story

    Citizen Network was launched in 2016.

  29. Nan Beauregard Carle

    Nan Carle’s career has pushed at the frontiers of social inclusion from multiple…

  30. KVPS

    Our aim is to find individual solutions and to create high-quality services for and together…

  31. Local Justice

    A policy proposal to reduce the growing numbers of women and children in prison - published by…

    News 2011-03-23

  32. Fellow wins major international award

    Steven Rose, CEO of Choice Support and a fellow of The Centre wins Platinum Award for work on…

    News 2015-06-19

  33. The Journey to Citizenship - Deinstitutionalisation in Finland

    Finland is beginning to close its institutions for people with learning difficulties. Simon Duffy explores what can be learned about moving more quickly towards a citizenship-focused society.

    Article 2012-04-02 01:00:00

  34. UN Declaration of Human Rights

    The UN's Declaration is an important starting point for welfare reform. It makes clear the need for clear rights and entitlements and the importance of safeguarding freedom and security.

    Article 2012-07-24 12:00:00

  35. Power and Love

    Simon Duffy explores what we can learn from intentional communities such as L'Arche and Camphill.

    Article 2015-09-16 16:42:00

  36. Born to Dance

    Sue Blackwell shares the story of her daughter Jen's journey as she sought to follow her dreams and live a life of her own choosing.

    Article 2016-08-10 18:15:00

  37. Letter on Obstacle for Personal Budgets

    This open letter describes a serious block to the development of personalisation in England and calls for clear guidance to commissioners on procurement.

    Article 2017-03-14 14:39:00

  38. Opportunities for Smart Commissioning

    An analysis and insight into the current nature of service provision for alcohol-related harm in Cheltenham, exploring opportunities for a ‘Smart Commissioning’ approach.

    Paper 2017-07-08 17:17:00

  39. Raising the Bar

    Thomas Doukas and Annie Fergusson share what happened at the second Raising the Bar, National PMLD conference on 2nd November 2018.

    Article 2018-11-16 16:38:00

  40. Welcoming Refugees into Our Communities

    How can we change hearts and minds to ensure communities welcome refugees and others who need our help.

    Article 2020-10-06 14:24:00

  41. It's My Choice

    James has Down Syndrome and he uses an Individual Service Fund (ISF) to maintain control over his support and his life.

    Story 2020-12-09 11:24:00

  42. Self Directed Futures Training

    Active learning and coaching from Self Directed Futures.

    Training 2022-06-02 16:30:00

  43. The Corruption of Social Care Reform

    Social Care is poorly understood that debates about how to improve or reform it are often empty of meaning.

    Article 2021-10-10 12:18:00

  44. Personalising Commissioning

    An overview of Individual Service Funds and how to personalise commissioning in health and social care.

    Paper 2022-02-17 18:08:00

  45. Personalised Transition

    Radical extension of personalisation proves possible giving young people with disabilities…

    News 2010-03-08

  46. A New Way Home is published

    Ground-breaking guide now published to ensure people leave institutional care directly into…

    News 2017-12-05

  47. Personalising a Block Contract

    A research report describing the progress made in Barnsley to personalise a block contract with the mental health service provider Together.

    Paper 2012-09-19 17:30:00

  48. A Strategy for Welfare Reform

    This essay provides an overview of why the welfare state should be reformed - not cut - and what it might take to achieve this difficult task.

    Article 2013-01-23 08:30:00

  49. Getting Serious About Citizenship

    The debate about reform in social services loses clarity when we use jargon like personalisation, the real questions are more fundamental.

    Article 2012-12-22 13:56:00

  50. Next Steps on a Cumulative Impact Assessment (CIA)

    Simon Duffy explores the possibility of developing an even more rigorous assessment of how cuts have targeted disabled people.

    Article 2014-04-14 12:09:00

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