Find out what Citizen Network members have been reading.
Reviews: 25.11.24
UK Education: Still Awaiting an Inclusive Future
David Towell reviews two books focusing on the development of inclusive education in England.
Reviews: 02.09.24
Inclusive Education: Theory, Policy and Practice
A guidebook for educators, policy-makers and practitioners advancing the journey to inclusive education.
Reviews: 18.05.24
Love and Disobedience
In these challenging times Hannah Arendt's writings offer us guidance and encouragement.
Reviews: 03.03.23
Active Hope
An inspiring book to help us face the mess we're in with resilience, creativity and action.
Reviews: 28.02.23
Rethinking Boethius
This ancient text reveals a lost approach to economics thinking that we need to rediscover.
Reviews: 18.01.23
The Spirited Disaffection of a Vocational Doctor
What can one man’s personal reminiscences tell us about our community’s assets and losses?
Reviews: 21.11.22
Homes for People and Wildlife
A report offering a vision for how people and wildlife can live in harmony.
Reviews: 14.10.22
The Bradford Revolution
Bradford began the destruction of municipal socialism in the pretence of improving local government.
Reviews: 07.07.21
Post Growth
Tim Jackson's book marshals great thinkers, poets and evidence to argue we must abandon our destructive notion of…
Reviews: 17.06.21
Out of the Ordinary
Marc Stears proposes that the values and visions of ordinary people carry within them the possibility of radical…
Reviews: 04.06.21
Those Who Can, Teach
This book is an eloquent testimony to the importance of investing in quality education to enrich the futures of all…
Reviews: 24.05.21
Paint Your Town Red
David Towell reviews a new book describing the realities of the Preston model.
Reviews: 08.04.21
A Wild Love for the World
David Towell reviews a new collection of writings celebrating the lifework of the Buddhist ecologist Joanna Macy.
Reviews: 12.02.21
The Lonely Century
This new and challenging book by Noreena Hertz outlines the shape of a transformative programme to rebuild community.
Reviews: 09.11.20
Sorry We Missed You
Ken Loach's film reveals the brutal reality of the modern gig economy.
Reviews: 07.10.20
Cities and Communities Beyond COVID-19
A review of Robin Hambleton's Cities and Communities Beyond COVID-19 the sequel to Leading the Inclusive City.
Reviews: 22.06.20
Rekindling Democracy
Cormac Russell's inspiring book describes the limitations of current models of public policy and offers a positive…
Reviews: 21.10.19
Essentials of Basic Income
Annie Miller's short book provides an ideal definition of basic income and provides a framework for campaigners to…
Reviews: 16.08.19
Creating Space for Citizens in Social Care
Peter Limbrick's model of Caring Activism does not assume that everybody will want to or should take on a caring role.…
Reviews: 24.07.19
Crippled by Austerity
Simon Duffy reviews Frances Ryan's important book which describes the devastating impact of the UK Government's…
Reviews: 09.05.19
Simplicity Parenting
Kim John Payne's book explores the unnecessary pressures and stress placed on children in the modern world and offers…
Reviews: 10.01.19
Life Nourishment
A review of Simon Goldsmith's book Life Nourishment, which explores how to build relationships and community
Reviews: 13.08.18
Learning From Nature
David Towell reviews 3 books which help us to understand how we might create a future in which we live in harmony with each…
Reviews: 15.01.18
The Great Troubled Families Fraud
Simon Duffy reviews Professor Gregg's book on the fraud and dishonesty behind the Troubled Families Programme.
Reviews: 13.11.17
Not So Sapiens After All
The trials and tribulations of our Welfare system have deeper and more complex roots than many can imagine. 'Sapiens: A…
Reviews: 05.09.17
Reclaiming the Common Good
A review of Reclaiming the Common Good: How Christians can help re-build a broken world, a collection of essays edited…
Reviews: 31.07.17
No Is Not Enough
There is unlikely to be a more important book published this summer, David Towell reviews Naomi Klein's latest book.
Reviews: 31.05.17
Doughnut Economics
Conventional economics is broken. Here is the radical alternative we need to shape a better future which works for…
Reviews: 20.01.17
The Systems View of Life
'With nature as our mentor, another world is possible' David Towell reviews The Systems View of Life.
Reviews: 11.01.17
Unfinished Business: Women Men Work Family
Maria Lyons reviews a book which explores the celebrates caregiving as an essential role for men and women.
Reviews: 16.12.16
Community Care & Inclusion for People with an Intellectual Disability
Robin Jackson and Maria Lyons are the editors of a series of essays reviewing the history of services for people with…
Reviews: 24.10.16
The Future of the Professions
Robin Jackson reviews The Future of the Professions: How technology will transform the work of human experts.
Reviews: 21.08.16
The Rise of the Robots
Robin Jackson urges everyone with an interest in achieving welfare reform to read Martin Ford's book and consider the…
Reviews: 24.07.16
Racisms: From the Crusades to the 20th Century
"If we want to change something, a good start is to understand it." David Towell reviews Francisco Bethencourt's book…
Reviews: 18.07.16
Cities for a Small Continent
David Towell reviews this detailed study of seven cities that have experienced major decline, recovery and new…
Reviews: 14.05.16
Under the North Star
A review of Väinö Linna's Finnish trilogy and an exploration of the roots of the welfare state and the price earlier…
Reviews: 05.02.16
Pathfinders Review 2
David Towell reviews Pathfinders, the latest book by John O'Brien and Beth Mount published by Inclusion Press.
Reviews: 23.11.15
Liderando la Ciudad Inclusiva
Este importante libro de Robin Hambleton da un contexto integral para las propuestas en el folleto de David Towell,…
Reviews: 23.09.15
This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs The Climate
David Towell is shaken and stirred by this latest blockbuster from Naomi Klein.
Reviews: 10.08.15
Conflict Transformation Through School
Jeremy Cunningham's book offers a curriculum for sustainable peace. David Towell has written this review.
Reviews: 16.06.15
Leading the Inclusive City
In his book Robin Hambleton argues that imaginative place-based leadership can enable citizens to shape the urban…
Reviews: 26.01.15
Hope Against Hope
Review of Nadezhda Mandelstam's classic biography of her husband and description of Stalinist Russia.
Reviews: 25.01.15
Greek and Roman Political Ideas
Simon Duffy reviews Melissa Lane's book on political theory in the ancient world and its relevance to modern debates.
Reviews: 19.01.15
Leading from the Emerging Future
David Towell reviews a challenging book which sets out a red-green agenda to address contemporary economic, social…
Reviews: 17.09.14
The Need for Roots
A Review of Simone Weil's The Need for Roots, a book that offers a fresh perspective on the purpose and nature of the…
Reviews: 17.09.14
Hannah Arendt - The Last Interview
Simon Duffy reviews Hannah Arendt - The Last Interview - and reflects on its lessons for thinking about the welfare…
Reviews: 14.08.14
The Frugal Innovator
David Towell reviews a new book exploring how frugal innovators are finding radical solutions to pressing challenges…
Reviews: 13.01.14
Limits of Medicine
Vinesh Kumar reviews Ivan Illich's classic Limits to Medicine - Medical Nemesis: the expropriation of health.