Images shared by Citizen Network members to show what inclusion and equal citizenship look like
Graphic: 04.06.12
Fraud in Context
Government's exaggerate the level of benefit fraud for political reasons.
Graphic: 03.06.12
Innovation in Public Services
Innovation in public services goes through a series of phases and meets inevitable resistance.
Graphic: 02.06.12
Percentage UK Cuts by 2015
This graph shows the percentage of cuts to be achieved by 2015 in various areas.
Graphic: 01.06.12
History of the Movement
Innovations in public services don't come from government, they come from the efforts of people themselves.
Graphic: 20.03.11
New Script for Social Work
Personalisation and the best use of social work skills demands a new script to replace the broken system of care…
Graphic: 25.01.11
Five Basic Tasks
The core competencies of any agency aiming to support people who are at risk social exclusion and devaluation
Graphic: 01.01.11
Shift to Citizenship Model
This image shows the fundamental shift in thinking required to reform public services within the welfare state - from a…
Graphic: 12.11.10
Commissioning for Innovation
Commissioning should mean focusing on the real assets of community in order to shape innovative and appropriate…
Graphic: 17.09.10
Self-Directed Support
The 7 step process in self-directed support.
Graphic: 10.09.10
Real Wealth
Real Wealth is what it takes to build a good life. This is not just money - it is much broader.
Graphic: 01.08.10
Pull Economics
Instead of pushing resources that we think are useful towards them Push Economics proposes that people are enabled to…
Graphic: 01.08.09
Citizenship Model
This model describes how the citizen should be central to the design and delivery of public services.
Graphic: 01.08.09
Coproduction is the name for the process by which improved outcomes are produced by the collaboration of different…
Graphic: 01.08.09
Conditional Resource Entitlement
This is a way of understanding individual budgets, vouchers and other mechanism as part of a way of providing support…
Graphic: 01.08.09
Community Capacity
This model enables us to maps four dimensions of community capacity. These community capacities support the…
Graphic: 01.08.09
Professional Gift Model
The Professional Gift Model remains the prevalent model for public services, whereby support is defined by…
Graphic: 01.08.09
WomenCentre Model
The WomenCentre offers an empowering, sophisticated and innovative model for meeting the needs of vulnerable women.
Graphic: 01.08.09
Waste in Public Services
The current welfare system wastes resources by reducing the ability of the citizen to put them to good use.
Graphic: 01.08.09
Tax-Benefit Reform
The current tax and benefit system is confused and confusing. It needs to be integrated, both in order to reduce stigma…
Graphic: 01.08.09
Tapered Control
Individual budgets can be managed by at least 6 different mechanisms, allowing people to take different levels of…
Graphic: 01.08.09
System Transformation
The process of shifting local systems over to a more personalised approach is complex and multi-layered.
Graphic: 01.08.09
Smart Commissioning
Commissioning does not need to just focus on the organisation of services for communities - smart commissioning…
Graphic: 01.08.09
Resource Allocation System
A Resource Allocation System (RAS) is any set of public rules which determines an entitlement.
Graphic: 01.08.09
Poverty Net
The Poverty Net is the interlocking mesh of taxes and benefits that enmesh people in poverty - damaging our incentives…
Graphic: 01.08.09
Portable Education Budget
There seems to be no good reason why families should not control the funding for their child's education - especially if…
Graphic: 01.08.09
Personalised Transition
Personalised Transition is the process for enabling families and young people to take control of their support and…
Graphic: 01.08.09
Personalised Support
Personalised Support is a system for designing and organising around the needs of the individual.
Graphic: 01.08.09
Personalised Pathway
The Personalised Pathway is a model for services and support for children and families - it puts families in the driving…
Graphic: 01.08.09
Personalisation System
Personalisation can be developed as system-wide innovation. However it requires changes at every point: lead…
Graphic: 01.08.09
Personal Plan
Plans should be personal - and they should integrate care, support, education or whatever else people need to plan for.
Graphic: 01.08.09
Model Development
Any model for improving systems can be improved if it is subject to a four stage iterative process.
Graphic: 01.08.09
Keys to Citizenship
A model developed to explain the practical steps that are necessary to achieve meaningful, everyday citizenship.
Graphic: 01.08.09
Integration through Personalisation
In public policy integration has often meant the brining together of services of funding that has been separated at the…
Graphic: 01.08.09
Individual Service Fund (ISF)
An Individual Service Fund is a useful way in which resources can be used flexibly to achieve personalised support.
Graphic: 01.08.09
Individual Budget
An individual budget is one approach to enabling people to take more control of their own support - by giving people…
Graphic: 01.08.09
Funding Models in Health
There are many different systems by which funding can be organised in order to fund different kinds of health and social…
Graphic: 01.08.09
Decision-Making in Health
The focus for decision-making in healthcare needs to change depending upon the circumstances and the level of…
Graphic: 01.08.09
Creativity in Design
Creativity in design requires (a) positive imagination (b) the ability to look outward for possibilities (c) focus on…
Graphic: 01.08.09
Complexity for Disabled Children
The welfare systems that support disabled people, children and families and others who need help have grown in…