There are 41 resources from Finland.
Books: 08.08.24
Citizen Network Newspaper
Proclaiming loudly what is happening to our communities!
Article: 28.10.23
Ecosystems of the Future
No one organisation, leader or solution will make the changes we need, only cooperative interaction.
Paper: 04.05.23
Inclusion of Disabled Refugees in Spain
A report evaluating the inclusion of disabled refugees, focusing on education, housing and employment.
Paper: 28.02.23
This Is How I Manage
This is a Finnish tool, available here in English, to help people develop their own support plan.
Article: 24.06.22
Self-Directed Support and the Future
Simon Duffy considers some of the emerging trends and how SDS can help us tackle future problems.
Article: 24.06.22
Self-Directed Support and System Design
Simon Duffy explores how you design a system of self-directed support that works for everyone.
Article: 24.06.22
Self-Directed Support and Citizenship
Simon Duffy argues that self-directed support is a tool for enhancing our citizenship.
Webinar: 23.06.22
Self Direction in Finland
Petra Rantamäki provides an overview of the development of self-directed support in Finland.
Film: 18.03.21
Change Is Coming
Tapiolan Kuoro, the Finnish Children's choir, sing from Greta Thunberg's ‘No-one Is Too Small To Make A…
Project: 07.07.20
What Matters To Me
An App to help people to communicate their needs.
Webinar: 11.06.20
SDS Network: Developments in Finland
Leaders in self-directed support in Finland explain how systems are beginning to move towards and some of the early…
Webinar: 13.05.20
SDS Network: COVID-19 and Overview
The first webinar from the SDS network covered the issues of how countries were responding to the COVID-19 crisis, what…
Album: 02.03.20
Self-Directed Support Graphics in Finnish
Infographics on self-directed support translated into Finnish developed for the SDS Network.
Film: 25.02.20
A global force for change
Citizen Network is a global non-profit cooperative movement, formed to create a world where everyone matters.
Paper: 17.02.20
Self-Direction Worldwide
Lynn Breedlove observes the competing conceptions of self-directed support emerging around the world.
Story: 19.12.19
3 Self-Directed Support Stories
Three stories from Finland of how self-directed support is beginning to work in practice plus other resources
Inspiration: 19.12.19
Self-Directed Support Resources in Finnish
Self-Directed Support Resources in Finnish
Film: 18.12.19
Ville's self-directed support story
Ville is a mosaic tile artist and self-directed support and personal budgets enabled him to get support to develop as an…
Film: 18.12.19
Pekka's self-directed support story
Pekka and his family have been early pioneers of using self-directed support in Finland and found they could get…
Inspiration: 26.11.18
What Matters to Me
Bestser is a Finnish startup company which develops innovative solutions to help people control their health and…
Film: 16.11.18
How we do school – Finland
A set of films by the Lien Foundation following a trip their Singaporean colleagues made to Finland, to learn about its…
Article: 17.04.18
A Parent in Camouflage
Hanne-Maria Lappäranta describes what it's like to be a parent of someone with a disability who also works in social…
Project: 04.10.17
Not for Sale
Challenging procurement of social care in Finland.
Inspiration: 15.02.17
OmaPolku - My Path
NEO-OmaPolku is an innovative Finnish organisation helping people with intellectual disabilities to start their…
Article: 16.01.17
Practical Social Work is Personalised
Hanne-Maria Leppäranta demonstrates the powerful impact of personalisation on the practical day-to-day work of a…
Reviews: 14.05.16
Under the North Star
A review of Väinö Linna's Finnish trilogy and an exploration of the roots of the welfare state and the price earlier…
Article: 06.05.16
Personal Budgets are Just a Tool
In his sixth and final blog from Finland Simon Duffy reflects on the limits of personal budgets and the need to…
Article: 02.05.16
Personal Budgets and Health Economics
Simon Duffy, in the fifth of his blogs from Finland, explores the relationship of personal budgets to health economics…
Article: 13.03.16
The Difference Between Choice and Control
The fourth in a series of blogs from Finland, Simon Duffy explores the different meanings of choice and the options…
Article: 25.02.16
Personal Budgets Just Mean Freedom
In the third of a series of essays from Finland Simon Duffy explains that a personal budget is fundamentally a way of…
Article: 15.02.16
Ending Tendering in Social Care
Simon Duffy, in the second of a series of blogs from Finland, explores the problems created by tendering for social care…
Article: 02.02.16
Politics & Economics of Personal Budgets
In the first of a short series of essays Simon Duffy explores the political and economic challenges of moving towards…
Film: 02.10.15
Visiting Radio Valo
Radio Valo interviewed Simon Duffy about self-directed support and individual budgets on his visit to Lyhty (home of…
Paper: 15.05.14
Self-Directed Support in Finland
This research report from Finland shows the success of personal budgets in improving the lives of people with…
Article: 29.11.13
No to Competing Services - Yes to Human Rights
Sami Helle explains to the European Parliament that people with intellectual disabilities should not be trapped in…
Slide: 23.10.13
Self-Directed Support in Europe
A presentation by Aarne Rajalahti on Self-Directed Support in Europe
Paper: 30.09.13
Supporting Community Contribution and Self-Determination through Person-Centred Work
John O'Brien presented this paper at Finland's Valta virtaa conference held in June 2013.
Article: 18.09.13
A Finnish Perspective
Katja Valkama reflects from a Finnish perspective on social innovations in the UK and the price of welfare 'reform'.
Slide: 30.07.13
I Know What I Want
Aarne Rajalahti shares lessons and stories from the early development of self-directed support in Finland.
Inspiration: 18.02.13
Lyhty - Finnish Punk Rock and Much More
A Finnish community hub which is helping people with intellectual disabilities create music, media and so much more.
Article: 02.04.12
The Journey to Citizenship - Deinstitutionalisation in Finland
Finland is beginning to close its institutions for people with learning difficulties. Simon Duffy explores what can…