SDS Network: Developments in Finland

Leaders in self-directed support in Finland explain how systems are beginning to move towards and some of the early benefits

The third webinar of the SDS Network focused on how self-directed support and personal budgets has developed in Finland.

In the first talk Petra Rantamäki gave an overview of the situation in Finland.

In the second talk Aarne Rajalahti described the early work to pilot self-directed support and to lobby the Finnish government about the necessary changes.

In the third talk Ville Markkasen described the difference that self-directed support had made to his life:

In the fourth talk Iiro Toikka described the process the Finnish Government were using to develop their own approach for testing and developing self-directed support for Finland:

The final film is of the discussion and questions that followed the talks. 

Petra's slides:

Aarne's slides:

Iiro's slides:

Webinar | 11.06.20

Self-Directed Support, social care, Finland, Webinar

Aarne Rajalahti



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