Public Speaking Tips

Public Speaking is a fear many people have in common, Glyn Butcher loves it and shares his approach.

Author: Glyn Butcher

It's the little things that make you more effective when speaking in public.

When spontaneously speaking it's important you have your anxiety under control.

I love it. I thrive on it. When I'm speaking I feel alive. 

I cannot have a script, a piece of paper or a powerpoint; they make me feel nervous. I have to feel my presentation when I'm on stage.

When I've looked out at the people in the room and when I've reframed my thinking and language on stage then I can mentally get out of the way, relax and begin.

When you present on stage there is no right or wrong way to do it.

Don't be afraid to ask the audience questions - engage the audience so they feel engaged; take the audience on a journey with you.

Live in the present moment, not in the past or in a future moment.

I thrive off the nervous energy - it means you're alive and I feel electrical energy all over my body.

Most importantly in that moment, you need to acknowledge that you are meant to be there on the stage, and that what you have to say is valued and worth listening to - this will enable you to be the best version of yourself.

Take the opportunity that is presented to you. Don't run away from your opportunity - run towards it.

The publisher is Citizen Network Research. Public Speaking Tips © Glyn Butcher 2023.

Story | 14.01.23

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Glyn Butcher


Member of PFG and Citizen Network Ambassador

Glyn Butcher


Member of PFG and Citizen Network Ambassador

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