Manavodaya Institute

Manavodaya means Human Awakening and the Manavodaya Institute for Participatory Development is a powerful engine for personal and social change.

Manavodaya has had a powerful impact in helping oppressed groups and people in extreme poverty transform their own lives, together.

Manavodaya trains people in the art of facilitation, teaching them to respect the expertise and authority of ordinary people to bring about the necessary changes in their own lives. Manavodaya was established by Varun Vidyarthi in 1985 and is internationally recognised as a centre of excellence in facilitation, true social work and self-help.

You can find out more about Manavodaya by visiting its own website:

We have published a variety of articles about Manavodaya written by Citizen Network members see the links below.

Training | 06.12.18

children and families, community, Manavodaya, India, Training

Varun Vidyarthi


Founder and CEO of Manavodaya

Varun Vidyarthi


Founder and CEO of Manavodaya

Also see