Citizen Network works with the following organisations.
Abilia gives people the power to become independent and take control of their daily lives.
Care administration systems and services for commissioners, care providers and individuals.
Andor Cards offers a prepaid card platform for Care Homes, eliminating the need for cash handling and providing next of kin with complete oversight of their loved ones account, whilst our dedicated Carer Cards assist in the streamlining of staff expenses.
I have an extensive background in teaching and in facilitating strengths-based, person-centered planning processes and practices.
Canadian Institute for Inclusion and Citizenship
CIIC is Canada’s only university-based research centre with a dedicated focus on social policy and the full inclusion of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
CareMatch is a unique opportunity to help Care Receivers find a small team of Care Givers to enable them to live at home well.
Catalyst Care Group is a family of organisations designed and built with the sole purpose of enabling people to receive high quality care and support at home, avoiding the need for mental health hospital admissions.
I translate documents of any length and complexity into: Easy Read, plain English, accessible PDF or audio.
Our aim is to provide a support service that helps individuals with a learning disability and/or mental health condition.
The Down's Syndrome Association (DSA) supports all people who have Down's syndrome, their parents and carers and the professionals who work with them, throughout their lives.
New Zealand
Trading as Now & Next we co-design and implement evidence-based social innovation programs to accelerate social inclusion for disabled children, youth and their families, as well as vulnerable groups.
Ireland (Republic)
A son and father social enterprise: Media, Arts and Education.
Fundación Inclusión y Apoyo Aprocor
We support people with intellectual disabilities and their families in reaching their goals.
Human Services Research Institute
Since 1976, we've been helping to craft community-based, person-driven service systems.
Enabling people with learning disability and mental health conditions to live as ordinary citizens with support in the community.
KeyRing helps people to live the life they want to lead through networks of support.
Koti-Medi offers professional and individual care, home nursing, home care, and hospice services.
New Zealand
We are a social enterprise that is an Individualised Funding Host Provider. Global SDS Network Sponsor
Ikinori Oy offers its expertise through lectures, joint development, culture, service design, and a culture of experimentation.
My Life My Way was established to enable those using self-directed services to benefit from technology as a key enabler of modern self-directed services.
Working to create the conditions to resolve upstream solutions to complex system problems.
PPL are the #1 digital personalisation solution in the UK, working with health and social care organisations to support people, strengthen places and improve lives.
Training and development consultancy empowering individuals and families to take control of their support. SDS Network England Host
Creating community-based theater with persons from diverse backgrounds.
Total Care Manager is a care management platform for complex care and more.
Troika Consultancy Ltd.’s vision is to offer services that will make a positive impact and transformation in people’s lives by supporting them to be in control of it. We help citizens to manage their own social/care support and choose the services that best suit them.
Tukena Foundation and Tukena Ltd produce services all over Finland. Our aim is to find individual solutions and to create high-quality services to support people with intellectual disabilities or special support needs and their families.
Sevices of visual journalism, visual communication, photography and video production.