
Working to create the conditions to resolve upstream solutions to complex system problems.

Opus works to create the conditions to resolve upstream solutions to complex system problems. We do this through strategic partnerships, engaging arts and culture, research and reporting, identifying leverage points, grassroots campaigns and co-creation. We incubate and deploy services, projects, media and events platforms, decentralised networks and movements proportionate to the challenges ahead.

Opus is multidisciplinary, cross-sector and adaptive, working across hyper-local, regional, national and international contexts. We work with citizens, communities, neighbourhoods, business, voluntary groups, cities, campaigns, research institutions, infrastructure organisations and governments to address the entangled ecological, social, economic, political and cultural crisis we collectively face.

Our achievements include:

We are working to:

Citizen Network offers a rallying call that moves us as people and as an organisation. It offers a point of planetary connection and a common ground to act from.

James Lock, Opus