Inclusion North CIC

A social enterprise promoting rights and inclusion.

Inclusion North exists to make inclusion a reality for all people with a learning disability, autistic people and their families. Inclusion means everyone living good lives as valued members of society. We work to change society so that everybody can have a good life.

We raise awareness of the barriers to inclusion for people with a learning disability, autistic people and their families, and work to remove them.

The highlights of 2020-21 - we have:

Over the next three years we will carry on challenging society to fully include all people with a learning disability, autistic people and their families. We will show the world what real inclusion looks like through the ways that we work.

This means:

We will support people with a learning disability, autistic people and their families to have their voices heard everywhere that decisions are made about their lives. We will carry on speaking up about all the times when people with a learning disability, autistic people and their families are treated unfairly. We will keep demanding a society that recognizes the value and contribution of all its citizens.

Our short term strategy is to:

Our medium term strategy is to:

Our long term strategy is to review geographical reach.

We value the knowledge and expertise of partners across the globe and we are excited to be part of a cooperative that will enhance our ability to connect with each other and be stronger together. 

Karen Parry, Inclusion North