Basic Income
Basic Income
Basic Income means everyone gets a secure income which is enough to live a life of citizenship.
Paper: 23.02.25
Proposal for An Independent Advisory Panel on DWP-Related Deaths
There must be an independent review of the deaths and suicides caused by the DWP's failed systems.
Paper: 01.11.24
The Potteries Pound: A Community-Driven Digital Currency
A digital innovation that takes the principles of time-banking forward, as one part of the Stoke Model.
Article: 17.06.24
A Visionary Future with Basic Income for Farmers
Basic income for every farmer could help end poverty for farmers and better protect nature.
Paper: 25.04.24
Sowing the Seeds of Stability
A proposal to use basic income as the system to support the income of farmers and farm workers.
Article: 05.02.24
The ‘Scarcity’ of Money
Government can create the money we need in order to do the things that really matter.
Article: 23.01.24
Edward Carpenter and Basic Income
Edward Carpenter explores the case for universal basic income and a world with more joy, beauty and usefulness.
Article: 01.11.23
Fixing Broken Britain
It is time to abandon the failed dogmas that accelerated social injustice and are breaking Britain apart.
Article: 12.07.23
UBI and Homelessness
Reflections on the potential to pilot UBI and reduce homelessness, following a roundtable discussion in Manchester.
Paper: 05.06.23
The Social Artist: Women, Work & Money
The Spring 2019 edition explores the need for financial independence and the threat of cashlessness.
Article: 29.03.23
How Much Do People Need to Live On?
The credit finance industry uses a measure of living standards that may be relevant to basic income.
Article: 03.03.23
In Harmony with Nature
We need to radically reimagine ourselves, Nature and the relationship between us.
Paper: 18.07.22
Work is Neighbourhood Business
UBI means we can respond to the Fourth Industrial Revolution by growing neighbourhood support for work.
Article: 29.06.22
DWP on Trial
Neil Carpenter describes the price people with learning difficulties pay for the DWP's welfare reforms.
Album: 26.06.22
UK Poverty Data in Graphics
Infographics showing how poverty is created by the unfairness of the UK tax-benefit system.
Article: 24.06.22
Self-Directed Support and the Future
Simon Duffy considers some of the emerging trends and how SDS can help us tackle future problems.
Article: 16.02.22
Problems with Universal Basic Services (UBS)
A response by Simon Duffy to Anna Coote's criticism of UBI.
Article: 28.01.22
Disability Benefits and Suicide
A Channel Four documentary has revealed the cruel nature of the UK's disability system.
Article: 24.01.22
Make Everyone a Policy Maker
PolicyEngine is a tool that gives the public an unprecedented insight into the tax and benefit system.
Project: 20.01.22
UBI Lab Network 2021
Progress in advancing the case for universal basic income.
Article: 24.11.21
UBI: Unpaid Labour and Gender Relations
We need to value care and help move society away from an unjust system that advantages men over women.
Article: 08.11.21
Imagine a Democracy
Modern democracies must tap into the power of citizenship to tackle our severe environment and social problems.
Article: 20.07.21
Redesigning the Benefits System with Young People in Mind
Poverty for children in the UK is growing and its time for a revolutionary shift towards Universal Basic Income (UBI).
Story: 10.06.21
Mother, Daughter and UBI
A mother and a daughter, both living with disabilities, explain why they believe UBI would be transformational for…
Webinar: 07.12.20
Does the Benefit System Work for You?
Simon Duffy talks to members of Learning Disability England (LDE) about the idea of basic income as a way to reform the…
Article: 17.11.20
We Are NOT Second Class Citizens
Catherine Hale spoke to members of Church Action on Poverty about how welfare reforms have harmed disabled people and…
Slide: 29.10.20
To Hell with Poverty
The Church must make a greater effort to fight the causes of poverty and support the #BasicIncome movement.
Article: 16.09.20
Popping the Housing Bubble
The UK's housing market is over-inflated and even progressive policies like basic income cannot solve this without…
Paper: 06.09.20
Basic Income Plus: Easy Read Version
Basic Income Plus is a radical way to reform benefits by giving everyone enough to live on and ensuring people with extra…
Paper: 17.07.20
An Introduction to Basic Income Plus
A practical approach for making sure basic income works for disabled people and others who face extra costs.
Film: 24.06.20
Is Basic Income Essential to the Good Life?
Simon Duffy gave this keynote for the Centre for Wellbeing in Public Policy as part of the Festival of Debate 2020.
Paper: 21.04.20
Basic Income and Independent Living
The independent living movement must be included in the conversation about universal basic income.
Article: 06.04.20
COVID-19, The Black Death and Basic Income
Bill Jordan explains why COVID-19, like the Black Death before it, may finally push the current elites to accept the…
Film: 12.11.19
Basic Income and Equal Citizenship
Dr Simon Duffy of the Centre for Welfare Reform and UBI Lab Sheffield gave this talk on basic income and the idea of equal…
Reviews: 21.10.19
Essentials of Basic Income
Annie Miller's short book provides an ideal definition of basic income and provides a framework for campaigners to…
Paper: 27.06.19
An Emancipatory Welfare State
A draft consultation paper setting out the arguments for a basic income for people with disabilities.
Slide: 30.05.19
Basic Income and Disability
Building on his work with Jim Elder-Woodward, Simon Duffy outlines the case for using basic income principles to…
Handbook: 14.05.19
How to Support the UBI Movement
How to get involved in advocating for basic income.
Paper: 07.03.19
Money as a Human Right
Maria Lyons combines an analysis of economics with an understanding of inclusion to offer a radical argument for basic…
Film: 06.02.19
What is a basic income?
A great short film produced by the Spanish Campaign Group RedRentaBasica.
Paper: 04.02.19
UBI and Health
Research shows why basic income will have very positive health impacts & why welfare conditionality is harmful.
Article: 27.11.18
Basic Income is Good for Your Health
Anna-Carin Fagerlind StÃ¥hl explains why long-standing evidence of work and health argues for the benefits of basic…
Article: 17.04.18
Basic Income or Basic Services
Dr Simon Duffy reflects on the debate between Barb Jacobson and Anna Coote on the respective merits of UBI or UBS.
Film: 16.03.18
The Cure for Poverty is Money
Poverty isn't a lack of character it's a lack of cash argues historian Rutger Bregman in his TED film.
Film: 12.02.18
Basic Income is About Freedom
Anne van Dalen explains why basic income is about freedom - the chance to explore what you want to do and escape the…
Story: 07.08.17
Basic Income Changed My Life
Anne van Dalen describes the positive impact that the freedom and security of basic income had on her life.
Paper: 20.04.17
UBI: A Psychological Impact Assessment
An important report which sets out the case for Universal Basic Income (UBI) from the perspective of psychologists.
Story: 07.03.17
Carers Benefits and Basic Income
Citizen K explores the strange paradoxes of the UK's benefit system and argues for a system of basic income.
Article: 31.01.17
A Social Movement for Basic Income
Bill Jordan describes how the idea of basic income inspired a pre-War social movement and wonders whether the same…