
Your search for basic income produced 185 results.

  1. Basic Income Research Group

    The Basic Income Research Group is the world\'s oldest organisation advocating basic…


  2. From Basic Income to Social Dividend

    Rajesh Makwana argues that it’s time to broaden the debate on how to fund a universal basic income to protect the global commons.

    Article 2015-08-24 16:09:00

  3. Essentials of Basic Income

    Annie Miller's short book provides an ideal definition of basic income and provides a framework for campaigners to clarify what it means and what flexibility it allows.

    Reviews 2019-10-21 11:36:00

  4. A Visionary Future with Basic Income for Farmers

    Basic income for every farmer could help end poverty for farmers and better protect nature.

    Article 2024-06-17 14:57:00

  5. An Introduction to Basic Income Plus

    A practical approach for making sure basic income works for disabled people and others who face extra costs.

    Paper 2020-07-17 14:09:00

  6. Basic Income or Basic Services

    Dr Simon Duffy reflects on the debate between Barb Jacobson and Anna Coote on the respective merits of UBI or UBS.

    Article 2018-04-17 16:14:00

  7. Redesigning the Benefits System with Young People in Mind

    Poverty for children in the UK is growing and its time for a revolutionary shift towards Universal Basic Income (UBI).

    Article 2021-07-20 16:01:00

  8. Basic Income Plus

    Simon Duffy on why a system of basic income plus an appropriate disability benefit would be a significant improvement over the UK's current system of demeaning conditionality.

    Inspiration 2016-02-21 09:46:00

  9. The Politics of Poverty

    Dr Simon Duffy explores ONS data on inequality and poverty and tries to get behind the myths and lies used to exploit the poorest in the UK.

    Article 2017-06-05 18:34:00

  10. Basic Income Essentials

    Author Annie Miller argues that the ‘pandemic has presented the strongest case yet for…

    News 2020-12-14

  11. The Economic Necessity of Basic Income

    Economist Geoff Crocker argues that the current economic system is based on flawed thinking and that a new system demands the use of basic income.

    Article 2014-09-18 16:43:00

  12. Basic Income

    Simon Duffy reviews Daniel Raventos's Basic Income: the material conditions of freedom.

    Reviews 2014-01-07 10:20:00

  13. Basic Income is Good for Your Health

    Anna-Carin Fagerlind Ståhl explains why long-standing evidence of work and health argues for the benefits of basic income.

    Article 2018-11-27 17:32:00

  14. Basic Income Pilot for Care Leavers in Wales

    Care leavers to receive £1,600 a month for up to two years

    News 2022-02-16

  15. 9 March: Basic Income in the North

    An event in Sheffield for activists, researchers and everyone interested in making basic…

    News 2019-01-21

  16. Sheffield backs basic income pilot

    Sheffield City Council is backing a basic income pilot in the event of a Labour Government.

    News 2019-07-03

  17. Piloting Basic Income in Manchester

    Proposal launched for groundbreaking Basic Income pilot in Manchester.

    News 2025-02-10

  18. Endorse Basic Income

    Endorse Basic Income UK's statement supporting the principle of a Basic Income for the UK to…

    News 2019-03-13

  19. Problems with Universal Basic Services (UBS)

    A response by Simon Duffy to Anna Coote's criticism of UBI.

    Article 2022-02-16 14:19:00

  20. Basic Income in a disabling world - August 2018

    Citizen Network will be at the BIEN International Congress in Tampere.

    News 2018-08-02

  21. Labour Party welcomes report on basic income

    Dr Guy Standing has produced a report for Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell setting out the case…

    News 2019-05-07

  22. Compass publish basic income report

    Compass the leading membership organisation for progressive change in the United Kingdom…

    News 2016-06-08

  23. 18 - 21 August: Basic Income - Idea to Reality

    The 22nd Basic Income Earth Network Congress in Glasgow will be hosted online and this year's…

    News 2021-06-10

  24. Could basic income help the emancipation of people with disabilities?

    Many people believe basic income – a system where everyone would get a secure…

    News 2018-02-02

  25. Will the Labour Party support Basic Income?

    An opportunity to hear from one of the leading thinkers on basic income Guy Standing, at this…

    News 2019-04-10

  26. Basic Income Changed My Life

    Anne van Dalen describes the positive impact that the freedom and security of basic income had on her life.

    Story 2017-08-07 16:43:00

  27. How To Reform The ESA System

    Simon Duffy argues that the current ESA system is deeply flawed and suggests an alternative based on a better understanding of unemployment.

    Article 2013-10-20 15:27:00

  28. Sowing the Seeds of Stability

    A proposal to use basic income as the system to support the income of farmers and farm workers.

    Paper 2024-04-25 12:06:00

  29. 1st June: Basic Income for Sheffield?

    A Festival of Debate event, this meeting is part of a project to make UBI a reality for the people…

    News 2017-04-14

  30. 23 - 26 August: 2023 BIEN Congress

    The largest annual event around the world for basic income advocates and those interested in…

    News 2023-06-08

  31. A Social Movement for Basic Income

    Bill Jordan describes how the idea of basic income inspired a pre-War social movement and wonders whether the same might emerge today.

    Article 2017-01-31 17:25:00

  32. What is a basic income?

    A great short film produced by the Spanish Campaign Group RedRentaBasica.

    Film 2019-02-06 16:33:00

  33. Shameful Attack on Disabled People

    Brian Collinge explains how the government's failure to update the Minimum Income Guarantee (MIG) for people entitled to social care acts as another form of theft.

    Article 2019-05-23 13:15:00

  34. How to Fund a Universal Basic Income

    Malcolm Henry sets out an argument for a Universal Basic Income based on his analysis of the failings of the banking system.

    Article 2014-03-17 15:45:00

  35. Citizen's Income: A Brief Introduction

    This valuable guide provides an introduction to Citizen's Income, or Basic Income, explaining what it means, how it would work and answering some common questions.

    Paper 2016-01-28 17:13:00

  36. Is Basic Income essential to the Good Life?

    Dr Simon Duffy will give the annual Centre for Wellbeing in Public Policy lecture on 19th May as…

    News 2020-01-08

  37. Basic Income and Independent Living

    The independent living movement must be included in the conversation about universal basic income.

    Paper 2020-04-21 18:04:00

  38. 12th September: Basic Income book launch

    Join Basic Income UK and the Centre for Welfare Reform at the launch of Malcolm Torry's new book…

    News 2017-07-04

  39. Thoughts on ESA

    Some early thoughts on reforming the failed Employment Support Allowance and Work Capability Assessment system.

    Article 2013-09-22 16:59:00

  40. Universal Engagement and Civic Engagement

    Anna Grant argues that Basic Income could be an important policy for increasing democratic and civic engagement by citizens.

    Article 2019-08-10 15:03:00

  41. COVID-19, The Black Death and Basic Income

    Bill Jordan explains why COVID-19, like the Black Death before it, may finally push the current elites to accept the logic of basic income.

    Article 2020-04-06 09:24:00

  42. Green Party support basic income

    Green Party Manifesto 2015 to include universal basic income

    News 2014-08-11

  43. One Good Thing

    Malcolm Henry imagines a conversation between a leader of the Labour Party and Andrew Neil on the topic of Universal Basic Income (UBI) and financial reform.

    Article 2017-04-24 10:39:00

  44. New report proposes basic income

    Let's Scrap the DWP - the case for Basic Income Security - has been published by The Centre for…

    News 2014-09-03

  45. Replace ESA with Basic Income Plus

    Dr Simon Duffy writes for the Huffington Post UK outlining the case for abandoning ESA and…

    News 2016-02-23

  46. Carers Benefits and Basic Income

    Citizen K explores the strange paradoxes of the UK's benefit system and argues for a system of basic income.

    Story 2017-03-07 14:33:00

  47. Inequality is a Constitutional Issue

    The reasons why the UK has become an increasingly unequal society and what we could do to reverse this trend.

    Article 2018-02-07 15:00:00

  48. Basic Income Plus: Easy Read Version

    Basic Income Plus is a radical way to reform benefits by giving everyone enough to live on and ensuring people with extra needs get more.

    Paper 2020-09-06 15:02:00

  49. Lib Dems support UBI Pilot in Hull

    Liberal Democrats in Hull call on Government to consider piloting Universal Basic Income in…

    News 2020-01-20

  50. Basic Income Security

    This paper by John Dalrymple and Simon Duffy sets out a proposal for the reform of the income security system in an independent Scotland.

    Paper 2014-01-08 13:29:00

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