social justice
social justice
cuts | poverty | inequality | fairness | human rights | equality | austerity | food banks | charity
Paper: 23.02.25
Proposal for An Independent Advisory Panel on DWP-Related Deaths
There must be an independent review of the deaths and suicides caused by the DWP's failed systems.
Article: 09.10.24
Citizen Democracy: Learning from North West Together We Can
NWTWC promoted local and regional based learning to improve lives and create sustainable communities.
Article: 09.09.24
Citizen Participation in Africa
Democracy in Africa is under threat but emerging innovations improve accountability and participation.
Article: 02.09.24
Engaging the Marginalised
How do we reach people who are rarely heard and encourage them to engage in citizen democracy?
Books: 09.08.24
Everyday Citizenship
Available to buy everywhere now!
Books: 09.08.24
Second Class Citizens
An authoritative overview of how Austerity targeted sick and disabled people in the UK.
Article: 25.07.24
Democratising Education
It will take big changes in how we do education if we are going to support people to value democratic principles.
Article: 04.07.24
Open Letter on Neighbourhood Democracy
A call for a deeper democracy that engages everyone as citizens in their neighbourhoods and beyond.
Article: 24.06.24
Civic Dialogues and Citizen Democracy
We need to help people make decisions together on a much more local level.
Article: 17.06.24
A Visionary Future with Basic Income for Farmers
Basic income for every farmer could help end poverty for farmers and better protect nature.
Reviews: 18.05.24
Love and Disobedience
In these challenging times Hannah Arendt's writings offer us guidance and encouragement.
Paper: 25.04.24
Sowing the Seeds of Stability
A proposal to use basic income as the system to support the income of farmers and farm workers.
Article: 03.04.24
The Creation of a Global Newspaper
The theme of the first edition of Citizen Network News is public spaces, order your copy now.
Paper: 02.04.24
Yorkshire Declaration
This Declaration makes the case for bringing real Democratic power to Yorkshire.
Paper: 04.03.24
Culture Matters
A report sharing how culture can impact parents who have children with autism or learning disabilities.
Article: 05.02.24
The ‘Scarcity’ of Money
Government can create the money we need in order to do the things that really matter.
Article: 23.01.24
Edward Carpenter and Basic Income
Edward Carpenter explores the case for universal basic income and a world with more joy, beauty and usefulness.
Article: 06.12.23
The Urgent Need for Yorkshire Devolution
Regional inequalities in England are caused by growing centralisation of power - this trend can be reversed.
Article: 01.11.23
Fixing Broken Britain
It is time to abandon the failed dogmas that accelerated social injustice and are breaking Britain apart.
Paper: 15.09.23
The Problem with Quality of Life
Disability strategy should be built around an ambitious vision for deinstitutionalisation and citizenship for all.
Paper: 05.06.23
The Social Artist: Women, Work & Money
The Spring 2019 edition explores the need for financial independence and the threat of cashlessness.
Paper: 04.05.23
Inclusion of Disabled Refugees in Spain
A report evaluating the inclusion of disabled refugees, focusing on education, housing and employment.
Paper: 08.11.22
Biopsychosocial Model or Bio-political Ideology?
Will people with Long-COVID escape the prejudices directed towards people with ME/CFS.
Paper: 07.11.22
Truth and Citizenship
This Norah Fry lecture explores the conditions necessary for respecting disability rights.
Article: 02.08.22
30 Years on Citizenship
This article and film reviews the work of Simon Duffy on the topic of citizenship.
Paper: 29.07.22
UK Democracy Fit for 21st Century
How to reorganise the constitution of the UK to support genuine democracy and good government.
Paper: 20.07.22
Lived Citizenship for Persons in Vulnerable Life Situations
This Open Access book brings together a variety of articles on citizenship for people with multiple impairments.
Album: 26.06.22
UK Poverty Data in Graphics
Infographics showing how poverty is created by the unfairness of the UK tax-benefit system.
Paper: 23.05.22
Citizens Rising
The Relationships Project shares the stories and experiences of young people in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Paper: 04.05.22
Centralisation Meets Austerity
A detailed analysis of the impact of austerity on Local Spending in every local authority in England.
Map: 04.04.22
Local Spending in England
A map of Local Spending and the impact of austerity in England.
Article: 30.03.22
Homelessness in Sheffield since 2005
This article explores how levels of homelessness have changed in Sheffield since 2005.
Article: 24.11.21
UBI: Unpaid Labour and Gender Relations
We need to value care and help move society away from an unjust system that advantages men over women.
Reviews: 07.07.21
Post Growth
Tim Jackson's book marshals great thinkers, poets and evidence to argue we must abandon our destructive notion of…
Reviews: 17.06.21
Out of the Ordinary
Marc Stears proposes that the values and visions of ordinary people carry within them the possibility of radical…
Paper: 11.06.21
Avoiding Misconceptions When Designing Supports
We need to readjust our thinking to overcome the prejudices against disabled people built into the modern world.
Webinar: 08.06.21
Neighbourhood Democracy and Food
The Neighbourhood Democracy Movement (NDM) hosted this webinar with 4 invited guests to explore the relationship…
Reviews: 04.06.21
Those Who Can, Teach
This book is an eloquent testimony to the importance of investing in quality education to enrich the futures of all…
Article: 25.05.21
An Ode to the Citizen Spirit of Sheffield
Sheffield has proud history of combining diverse peoples and communities into a greater whole, with a commitment to…
Reviews: 08.04.21
A Wild Love for the World
David Towell reviews a new collection of writings celebrating the lifework of the Buddhist ecologist Joanna Macy.
Film: 18.03.21
Change Is Coming
Tapiolan Kuoro, the Finnish Children's choir, sing from Greta Thunberg's ‘No-one Is Too Small To Make A…
Paper: 16.03.21
The Creation of Preventable Harm
The Work Capability Assessment (WCA) is a key element of the UK Government's welfare policy and has caused preventable…
Inspiration: 04.03.21
Everyone Has Strengths
Virtues or character strengths help us think about what is important in our lives and can be a useful person-centred…
Article: 14.01.21
The Ideal of Citizenship
Simon Duffy gave this talk to the LAC Network and argues that citizenship is the ideal the world needs today.
Film: 15.12.20
Building on Mutual Aid
Basic Income and Neighbourhood Democracy could help us reorganise society and shift power to citizens.
Webinar: 14.12.20
Stigma and Poverty: The Shame Game
Mary O'Hara discusses her book ‘The Shame Game’ sharing the perspectives of people who are living with…
Webinar: 06.12.20
Killed By The State? Social Policy Abused
Mo Stewart describes the outcome of 10 years of independent disability studies research into the social policies and…
Reviews: 09.11.20
Sorry We Missed You
Ken Loach's film reveals the brutal reality of the modern gig economy.