Energy Impairment Easy Read

This is the Easy Read version of the Energy Impairment and Disability Inclusion report produced by the Chronic Illness Inclusion Project.

Towards an Advocacy Movement for Energy Limiting Chronic Illness

Authors: Catherine Hale, Stef Benstead, Jenny Lyus, Evan Odell and Anna Ruddock

Easy Read version by Clare Tarling and Sarah Hatch

From the introduction:

We asked disabled people who live with chronic illness to tell us about their lives.

The people who did the research also have chronic illness. 

We want people with chronic illness to lead the lives they want to, and to be respected.

More than 2,000 people took part in the project using focus groups and surveys.

Read and download the free pdf of the easy read report in your browser, link below.

The publisher is the Centre for Welfare Reform.

Energy Impairment and Disability Inclusion © Catherine Hale, Stef Benstead, Jenny Lyus, Evan Odell and Anna Ruddock 2020.

Energy Impairment and Disability Inclusion Easy Read version by Clare Tarling and Sarah Hatch.

All Rights Reserved. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher except for the quotation of brief passages in reviews.


Paper | 24.06.20

Chronic Illness Inclusion, disability, social care, England, Paper

Catherine Hale


Founder of Chronic Illness Inclusion Project

Clare Tarling


Freelance Easy Read designer and Development Manager at Dorset Advocacy

Catherine Hale


Founder of Chronic Illness Inclusion Project

Clare Tarling


Freelance Easy Read designer and Development Manager at Dorset Advocacy

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