Kate Fulton


I know first hand that connection and community makes life meaningful. I have lived and worked alongside many people over the years and understand the power of citizenship, what it means to choose to be an active citizen and be supported to make a contribution.

I am currently based in Western Australia focused on what it takes to actively live, breathe and act in a way that honours and supports everyone to be an active citizen.

Kate has worked alongside people and families for many years in a range of settings and communities. Kate is passionate about individuals directing their own lives and feels that she has been incredibly privileged to meet people and families who have shared their experiences of helpful supports and creative approaches to change.

Kate led on some of the first self-directed support initiatives in the UK using these experiences to learn some valuable lessons about real system change and empowerment. She believes that real empowerment is much more than simply moving money, but requires a radical change to the way in which we assist people to lead change across all areas of life including our welfare systems and communities.

Kate has worked alongside the Centre for many years developing the concept of Community Brokerage, co-authoring some of the early papers, Should We Ban Brokerage and Architecture for Personalisation and more recently sharing her learning about change in Australia.

Kate is currently working in Western Australia in a range of roles. She has a leadership role with Avivo, a community support organisation developing self-directed support for people and families via community support, shared living and shared management. Avivo is also a place of inspiration in its aim to transform the traditional notion of organisation as a place of work, to a place that support’s the active citizenship of colleagues. 

Kate also works for WAIS supporting sector-wide development and influencing the ongoing evolution of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). 

Kate qualified with the DIPSW and LGMB Cert in Management. 

Kate lives in Fremantle with her partner John, learning to live an Aussie lifestyle in Western Australia. However as a true Geordie she keeps her connections at home alive returning to the North East of England regularly.

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