Pass It On Parents

This innovation is a system of peer support for families of disabled children.

Pass It on Parents was developed by Kate Fulton and a group of families in Newcastle as a way of supporting each other to get the most out of their budget.

Pass It on Parents is a network of families who work to:

When families develop plans together they can base them in real shared experiences, so they make better decisions, feel more confident and don't feel alone in trying new things. Pass It On Parents works closely with Newcastle to help improve things for other families in the future.

Increasingly Pass It on Parents are sharing resources, pooling budgets and helping members of their own support team share their skills and recruit the right support. This makes support teams more sustainable for the long-run.

Families and social workers see this approach as being totally different to the way in which people and professionals have worked together in the past. Now families aren't just passive - they are active citizens.

Pass It on Parents use Facebook as a powerful connecting medium and has over 200 members, you can visit the website here:

Now there is also a Pass It on Dads group - which is a group for Dads and disabled kids in Newcastle to share information, experiences and advice.  

Pass It on Parents is supported by Inclusion North, a development agency for the North of England.

The publisher is the Centre for Welfare Reform.

Pass It On Parents © Kate Fulton 2013.

All Rights Reserved. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher except for the quotation of brief passages in reviews.

Inspiration | 22.01.13

disability, education, England, Inspiration

Kate Fulton



Tim Keilty



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