Slideshows shared by Citizen Network members
Slide: 11.08.12
Support for People with Negative Reputations
Sam Sly explains how Beyond Limits will be working to bring people back home from institutional services.
Slide: 10.08.12
The End of Our Illusions
A presentation given at an event on Supported Living in London describing the cuts that are reducing social care and the…
Slide: 10.08.12
Self-Directed Support in Northern Ireland
A presentation given at the launch event for the development of self-directed support in Northern Ireland.
Slide: 10.07.12
A Fair Society in Northern Ireland
A presentation given at the first meeting of the Campaign for a Fair Society in Northern Ireland in June 2012.
Slide: 21.06.12
Social determinants of mental health and wellbeing
Dr Lynne Friedli sets out the case for a different approach to improving mental health - one rooted in an understanding…
Slide: 14.06.12
Citizen Directed Support
Slides from talks given to Anglesey Council on how to develop Citizen Directed Support locally and in Wales.
Slide: 14.06.12
Launch of Manifesto for Campaign for a Fair Society
Talk given at the House of Lords to help launch the Campaign for a Fair society's Manifesto - how cuts target disabled…
Slide: 12.06.12
Personalisation and the Third Sector
Talk given to leaders from Lancashire's Third Sector and Local Authority on the meaning of personalisation and the…
Slide: 28.05.12
Personalisation - Emerging Challenges
Talk for the University of Lincoln in Hull on personalisation - some of its achievements and the emerging challenges.
Slide: 25.05.12
Personalisation - some personal reflections
Talk given for Self-Direct in York on the implementation of personalisation and some of the thoughts looking back on…
Slide: 25.04.12
What is real welfare reform?
A talk for Welsh Focus on the true meaning of welfare reform - what it could be and what it should really aim to achieve.
Slide: 21.04.12
Journey to Citizenship
Talk given in Helsinki on the progress made towards citizenship by disabled people and particularly by people with…
Slide: 20.04.12
Personalisation and Local Government
Talk given to local authority Chief executives on the way in which local government could re-imagine its own role - with…
Slide: 25.03.12
Innovation in public services
A talk for Sheffield Hallam University on the way in which social innovations struggle to succeed and how innovations…
Slide: 25.03.12
The Development of Individual Budgets
Talk given to the Social Policy Research Unit in York on the birth of individual budgets and the development and…
Slide: 06.02.12
A Fair Society and the rights of disabled people
A presentation given at a meeting of the Sheffield Green Party and the Campaign for a Fair Society.
Slide: 02.02.12
A Fair Society: supported living and personalisation
A presentation given at a conference for the Association for Supported Living and the Campaign for a Fair Society.
Slide: 30.01.12
Whole System Change: the meaning of personalisation
This presentation was given at the national conference organised by North Lanarkshire Council on Self-Directed…
Slide: 17.01.12
Personalisation & Social Work
A presentation given for Social Work students at the University of Huddersfield.
Slide: 19.10.11
Redesigning Welfare
Presentation on the injustices designed into the current welfare system and the unfairness of government cuts that…
Slide: 14.10.11
Disability & the Cuts
Presentation given in Sheffield at joint event with Sheffield CIL and Church Action on Poverty.
Slide: 07.10.11
Personalisation and Localism
Talk given in Barnsley on personalisation and localism - and its real meaning.
Slide: 07.10.11
Whole System Reform
Presentation on welfare reform and employment support for disabled people.
Slide: 07.10.11
The Architecture for Personalisation
Presentation given in Sheffield to describe the necessary underpinnings for personalisation in social care.
Slide: 07.10.11
Mental Health and Primary Care
Presentation given at University of Birmingham on the need of mental health reform.
Slide: 07.10.11
Citizenship Council
Slides describing a different role for local government in the face of current cuts and on-going disempowerment.
Slide: 27.06.11
WomenCentre Slides
WomenCentre is one the most effective and innovative organisations in the UK - combining personalisation with…
Slide: 17.06.11
Citizenship - the missing key to public policy
Simon Duffy explains how the notion of citizenship might offer a more positive approach to welfare reform than current…
Slide: 17.06.11
What We Are Campaigning For
Simon Duffy outlines the case for radical reform of the current system and opposing the unfair cuts that target…
Slide: 17.06.11
Real Welfare Reform
Simon Duffy proposes a different model of welfare reform - focusing on income security and fair taxes for the poor.
Slide: 16.06.11
Overcoming the Barriers to Innovation
Exploring how social innovation works and the barriers it faces within the welfare system.
Slide: 16.06.11
Realising the Benefits of Personalisation
Personalisation in health and social care can be implemented well or badly - and there are many temptations to poor…
Slide: 14.06.11
Personalisation Masterclass
A presentation given in Dumfries & Galloway exploring the many different aspects of personalisation in…
Slide: 14.06.11
Launch of the Centre
A presentation given at the Westminster launch of the Centre.
Slide: 07.06.11
The Campaign for a Fair Society
Simon Duffy explains why the cuts planned by central government are so unfair and what they reveal about the failings of…
Slide: 09.05.11
Citizenship - the missing key to public policy and welfare reform
Presentation for the Masters in Public Administration Annual Conference on the value of citizenship in public policy…
Slide: 22.03.11
Developing Policies for the Campaign for a Fair Society
Slides that explore the development of personalisation, the unfairness of the current cuts and the kind of policies we…
Slide: 09.03.11
Personalisation & Young People
An exploration of the impact that personalisation could have on support and services for young people.
Slide: 04.03.11
A Fair Society - Tizard Annual Lecture
These slides were given as part of the 2011 Tizard Lecture given by Simon Duffy on A Fair Society & the Limits of…
Slide: 24.01.11
New Script for Social Work
Presentation to social workers in North East Lincolnshire on how to return the social work role to one that is more about…
Slide: 13.01.11
Personalisation & Integration
Presentation given at the Eastern Region's mental health conference on personalisation and the prospects for…
Slide: 10.06.10
Personalisation in Health & Social Care
Slides exploring the genesis of personalisation and its subsequent meaning for professionals in health and social…
Slide: 05.06.10
Individual Service Design
Slides exploring how to create individual service designs.