Deleted BBC News Item on Unum

In 2007 the BBC reported on the influence that a US insurance company was having on UK policy, in 2010 this item was deleted from BBC archives.

Contributor: Mo Stewart

In 2007 the BBC covered the fact that the DWP were getting advice on disability benefits from a US insurance company - Unum. Both the BBC News video and the published transcript of the 2007 report mysteriously disappeared from the BBC News archives once researchers began referencing it in 2010. Fortunately Mo Stewart had downloaded the transcript for safe keeping.

Ask yourself why this BBC News report and transcript were suddenly removed from BBC News archives and on whose authority?

The same American company mentioned in the 2007 BBC News report has provided evidence for the Work and Pensions Select Committee and funded, along with the DWP, the academic research which has been used to support the UK Government's distorted notion of 'welfare reform'. Clearly an organisation whose business is selling (if not always honouring) private health and disability insurance has a strong incentive to undermine a  publicly funded system of social security and its interests are clearly served by the on-going attack on disability rights which is inherent in:

Read and download the transcript (pdf) in your browser, link below.

The film ‘The broken benefit system is not fit for purpose’ is available to watch on Mo Stewart's own website here.

Paper | 03.01.18

health & healthcare, local government, politics, social justice, England, Paper

Mo Stewart


Independent Disability Studies Researcher

Mo Stewart


Independent Disability Studies Researcher

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