Letters to the DWP

Correspondence between Mo Stewart, the independent disability researcher, and officials at the DWP, reveals the difficulty of holding a bureaucracy to account.

Author: Mo Stewart

Mo Stewart has been one of the leading independent disability researchers of the past few years. In particular Mo Stewart has documented the multiple unsavoury connections between the DWP and the US insurance giant Unum. Her work makes very clear that Government policies, presented as being based on factual evidence, are actually based on ideological prejudices, without any empirical base.

Not only has Mo Stewart written widely on this topic, she has also written to several Government ministers asking them to answer a range of serious questions on these issues. However, she has failed to get any adequate response. This exchange is interesting not only because it explodes many of the ongoing injustices currently being imposed on sick and disabled people; but it also reveals the desperate efforts and evasions used by public servants, not to serve the public, but to help hide politicians from public scrutiny.

A DWP official responded to several letters from Mo Stewart, link below.

Read Mo Stewart's response to the DWP official, link below.

Mo Stewart's letter to Sarah Newton MP is available to read here and her letter to Penny Mordaunt MP is available here.

Letters to the DWP © Mo Stewart 2018.


Paper | 09.04.18

disability, social justice, England, Paper

Mo Stewart


Independent Disability Studies Researcher

Mo Stewart


Independent Disability Studies Researcher

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