Keep the Flame Burning

A brilliant summary of the important insights of Terry Lynch into ageing.

 Author: Terry Lynch

Keep the Flame Burning is a brilliant summary of the important insights of Terry Lynch into ageing and how to make sure that as we get older we do not end up in places or situations where our spirit is damaged. 

Terry’s 8 Rules are:

  1. 'Old’ is never an acceptable explanation
  2. Prevention and ‘Old Age’ do belong in the same sentence

  3. Not all ‘Alzheimer’s Disease’ is Alzheimer’s Disease

  4. Loss of interest in life is not normal at any age

  5. Rehabilitation is not only for the young

  6. Preoccupation with safety can be risky

  7. Your parents and you are the experts

  8. The labels must go

The publisher is the Centre for Welfare Reform.

Keep the Flame Burning © Terry Lynch 2010.

All Rights Reserved. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher except for the quotation of brief passages in reviews.


Paper | 05.11.09

mental health, social care, USA, Paper

Terry Lynch


An American leader in the innovation of supports for older people

Terry Lynch


An American leader in the innovation of supports for older people

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