Resilient relationships

Lynne Friedli explores the role of the public sector in supporting resilient relationships.

Author: Lynne Friedli with Margaret Carlin

A wide range of research confirms the importance of human relationships and the powerful influence of formal and informal social networks – on outcomes like health, mortality, employment, quality of life. It’s currently fashionable to suggest that the public sector undermines social relationships and to see public services as creating ‘dependency’ rather than strengthening communities. 

This report Resilient relationships in the North West: what can the public sector contribute? published prior to the current cuts agenda, looks at the capacity of the public sector to respond to social problems and engage with communities, drawing on evidence and experience in the North West of England.

The publisher is NHS North West.

Resilient relationships in the North West: what can the public sector contribute? © Lynne Friedli 2009.

All Rights Reserved. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher except for the quotation of brief passages in reviews.


Paper | 25.05.12

health & healthcare, mental health, England, Paper

Lynne Friedli



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