Imagining the Future: Citizenship

In a report commissioned by IRISS, Simon Duffy explores the future of social services in Scotland.

Author: Simon Duffy

This paper was written in order to explore the future of social services in Scotland. The work was commissioned by the Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services (IRISS) who asked for a ‘think piece’ to:

  1. Increase awareness of the challenges and drivers likely to operate over the next decade (until 2025)
  2. Increase awareness of the ideas and resources that can assist individuals and organisation in their planning
  3. Encourage a willingness to respond creatively to these challenges and increase the level of practical innovation.

Change occurs when old patterns break down and new patterns begin to replace them. Change is not always good. In human affairs it is as likely that people will react with fear, hatred or injustice to change. So the challenge is not just to change - but to change well - to innovate. 

If innovation means good change then this forces us to ask a further question - what is good?

The publisher is IRISS.

Imagining the Future: Citizenship © IRISS 2013.

All Rights Reserved. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher except for the quotation of brief passages in reviews.


Paper | 17.03.14

Neighbourhood Care, Neighbourhood Democracy, social care, Scotland, Paper

Simon Duffy


Citizen Network Team

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