Zigmond on the Future of the NHS

David Zigmond tells Simon Duffy that a better NHS will be more local, more human and that it involves restoring some of the older practices we've abandoned.

Dr David Zigmond served in the NHS from 1969 as a GP and psychiatrist. His long career as a practitioner, writer and teacher was consistently highly regarded. Yet in the last decade he found many healthcare reforms to be problematic: in particular systems to industrialise and corporatise that become increasingly inimical to our best personal care.

Here David shares his vision for a better, more human and more local NHS:

Watch the full series of films, from which these film clips have been taken, in the playlist below:

The publisher is the Centre for Welfare Reform.

Films produced by Ruskin Kyle of Rivers Rush.

Zigmond on the Future of the NHS © David Zigmond & the Centre for Welfare Reform 2018.

All Rights Reserved. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher except for the quotation of brief passages in reviews.

Film | 01.03.18

health & healthcare, England, Film

David Zigmond



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