Citizenship resources in Czech

Multiple resources on the Keys to Citizenship shared by Quip.

Quip are the Citizen network partner for Czechia. They have been using the 7 Keys to Citizenship developed by Simon Duffy and Wendy Perez as part of their advocacy and development work and have made these resources freely available.

Quip have created their own poster of the 7 Keys to Citizenship here.

Below is an accessible presentation of the Keys to Citizenship by Simon Duffy and Wendy Perez, translated into Czech, the pdf is available here.

Citizenship: A Guide for Providers of Support was written by Sam Sly and Bob Tindall - you can download the Czech translation (pdf) here.

More infographics are available in the Centre for Welfare Reform library.

Quip have very kindly shared all of these resources and more are available following the Citizenship conference they hosted in Prague in November - visit:


Inspiration | 17.12.19

disability, Keys to Citizenship, Czech Republic, Inspiration

Alfred Richter

Czech Republic


Also see