Dr. Henry Benedict Tam is the director of Question the Powerful, an initiative to promote political awareness and civic education. His other roles have included being Head of Civil Renewal for the UK Government (2003-2010); Director of the Forum for Youth Participation & Democracy, University of Cambridge; tutor at the Civil Service College; and Visiting Professor at Birkbeck, University of London.
He has been invited to speak on democratic and communitarian issues at events held around the world from Strasbourg to Washington. He has written a wide range of academic works, political essays, and dystopian fiction. His published books include Communitarianism: a new agenda for politics and citizenship (nominated by New York University Press for the 2000 Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order); Time to Save Democracy; Against Power Inequalities: a short history of the progressive struggle; and novels such as Whitehall through the Looking Glass, and Kuan's Wonderland.
More about him can be found at ‘Henry Tam: words & politics’: https://hbtam.blogspot.com