My publications cover academic works, political essays, and dystopian fiction. These include 'Communitarianism' (nominated by New York University Press for the 2000 Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order); 'Time to Save Democracy'; 'Who's Afraid of Political Education'; 'The Evolution of Communitarian Ideas'; 'Against Power Inequalities: a history of the progressive struggle'; and novels such as 'Whitehall through the Looking Glass', and 'Kuan's Wonderland'.
I have been Head of Civil Renewal for the UK Government (2003-2010); Director of the Forum for Youth Participation & Democracy, University of Cambridge; Visiting Professor at Birkbeck, University of London; and have taught for the WEA and the Civil Service College.
I have been invited to speak on democratic and communitarian issues at events held around the world from Strasbourg to Washington. I am currently developing the 'Citizen Democracy' resources on Citizen Network, promoting awareness of why and how citizen involvement in shaping public policies can be enhanced.