Kent Vegan Festival

In October 2015, 1,500 people took part in the very first Kent Vegan Festival in Canterbury, Jo Kidd shares what happened on the day.

Author: Jo Kidd

In October 2015, 1,500 people took part in the very first Kent Vegan Festival in Canterbury, Jo Kidd shares what happened on the day.

A date for your diary:
 the next Kent Vegan Festival will be held on May 7th 2016, find out more here

The publisher is Kent Vegan Festival Organising Team.

Kent Vegan Festival © Jo Kidd 2015.

All Rights Reserved. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher except for the quotation of brief passages in reviews.


Paper | 22.12.15

community, faith & creativity, Sustainability, England, Paper

Jo Kidd


Activist, community organiser & veganic farmer

Jo Kidd


Activist, community organiser & veganic farmer

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