Pippa Murray PhD


Pippa is a nationally respected parent, social innovator and writer who is working to transform the current special education system and the support available for disabled children and their families, so that they can live happy and fulfilling lives.

Pippa is best known for promoting the voice of disabled children, young people and their families. She supports practitioners and policy makers to listen to these voices to influence developments in education and support. Pippa is the author of several books documenting the lives of disabled families and highlighting the need for reform of current systems of support. These publications include Let Our Children Be: a collection of stories and Hello! Are you listening? 

The experience of parenting a disabled and a non disabled child gave Pippa her understanding of the family experience and led her to found several parent led organisations in the 80s and 90s. Following the death of her son Kim in 1998 Pippa completed a doctorate further exploring support for disabled families. In 2005 she set up ibk initiatives, a development agency promoting citizenship, to put her ideas into practice. She is currently leading on the practical development of innovative ways of helping families with young children and continues to develop groundbreaking work supporting young disabled adults lead meaningful lives when they leave school and further education. 

Pippa lives near York and is discovering the delights of being a grandparent. She loves swimming in the sea and listening to the wind whistling through the trees.

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