Everyday Citizenship Book Tour

Come along, meet the authors, discover the new book and learn about the keys to citizenship.

News | 19.12.23

Everyday Citizenship is the new book from Wendy Perez and Simon Duffy. Published by Red Press, with editorial support from Clare Tarling and beautiful illustrations by Ester Ortega, it’s a practical guide for creating a life of citizenship:

In these pages citizenship is a form of action. - John O'Brien

Wendy is a role model for the next generation who are becoming adults and citizens now. - Gary Bourlet

An important, beautiful and inspiring book. - Tim Keilty

I would recommend Everyday Citizenship to anyone who wants to have the best life, regardless of any impairments they may have. - Crip Life

Every page is bursting with power and possibility. - Carol Blessing

Wendy and Simon are keen to share the messages from their book and want to hear your experience of everyday citizenship. Come and meet them or create your own celebration of citizenship by creating your own Everyday Citizenship event.

Everyday Citizenship is available to buy now

Read the Press Release from Red Press

2024 Book Tour Dates

9th January - Everyday Citizenship is available for purchase online or through your local bookshop.

8th February - Stadium of Light, Sunderland, SR5 1SU, England with Inclusion North 

9th February - Newcastle with New Prospects 

24th February - Hamilton, New Zealand with Annick Janson at the Stronger Together Conference - more details here

15th - 17th April - Madrid at the Global AIREA retreat, more details about the retreat here

7th May - Cornwall at The Eden Project with hosts Citizen Checkers at their Citizenship Celebration - more details here

17th June - 24th June (Learning Disability Week) - Sheffield Town Hall with Sheffield Voices

Conduit - with Jon Alexander - date to be confirmed 

Doncaster - with the People Focused Group - date to be confirmed

Dorset - with Clare Tarling - date to be confirmed

Edinburgh - with Radical Visions and Plena inclusiĆ³n  - date to be confirmed

Helsinki with KVPS and Plena inclusiĆ³n  - dats to be confirmed

Liverpool - with Peter Kinsella and Lunya - date to be confirmed

More dates and venues to be announced soon

Purchasing and Selling Everyday Citizenship

Copies for you: Everyday Citizenship costs £12.99 plus shipping, directly from Red Press.

Requesting online discount codes: If you are willing to promote Everyday Citizenship, Red Press can create (free of charge) a 30% discount code for your members or team to use to order their paperbacks and ebooks from the website.

Buying paperbacks in bulk: If you want paperbacks to share or sell, Red Press can offer you a 40% discount on all orders over 20 copies, excluding shipping. Please allow two weeks for processing.

In all cases, please contact info@redpress.co.uk to discuss.

Run your own Everyday Citizenship event

Wendy and Simon would love it if you created your own Everyday Citizenship event. Things you could do include:

Invite Wendy and Simon to join you

You can also ask the authors Wendy Perez and Simon Duffy to come and join you to deliver a talk and workshop. Contact them if you would like us to set up an event with you.

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