Co-op News Covers Launch

The Cooperative Newspaper covers the launch of Citizen Network Osk.

Coverage | 08.11.22

The launch of Citizen Network Osk (our co-op) was covered in the Co-op News, the UK-based monthly news magazine and website for the global co-operative movement. First published in Manchester in 1871 as The Co-operative News, the paper is the world's oldest co-operative newspaper.

The article accurately described the reasons for the development of Citizen Network and the creation of Citizen Network Osk. They provided quotes by several members of the coop:

“I believe this is what the world needs at the moment: a network of people and trust, which is values-based, and works on the street level. To support this momentum, we needed a new platform to bring together the people excluded in life and communities.”

Markus Vähälä, Citizen Network Osk CEO

"Everyone is somewhere! And if we make citizenship real, we make neighbourhood democracy real. The key to co-operation is about changing things for the better. We will be organising meetings around core challenges looking at how to create a world where everyone matters – firstly by people recognising other people around as people too, and seeing how we can help them.” 

Professor Iiro Jussila, member of Citizen Network Osk's Board

"Citizen Network was created to address the severe problems faced by the world – problems that governments seem unable to respond to with the necessary urgency These include the multiple threats to life and species diversity on the planet; fear, exclusion and scapegoating of the most disadvantaged; injustice, insecurity and increasing inequalities; and increased levels authoritarianism and democracy in retreat. Our view is that the answer to all these problems is more citizenship. We believe real citizenship is not about passports; instead it means having the seven keys to citizenship.”

Dr Simon Duffy, President of Citizen Network Osk

Read the full article here:

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