Staying Strong, Getting Stronger

Learning Disability England share their stories and the many creative things the learning disability community have done together during the pandemic.

The opening session of Learning Disability England's conference this year was called ‘One Year On: Our experiences and stories from the last year’. It was an uplifting session sharing and showcasing the many creative things the learning disability community have done together during the pandemic.

The session includes great contributions from:

Katie Peacock from the Gr8 Support Movement
Matt Howard, Jo Hough and Sara Kent from Inclusion East
Kerry Martin, Ellie Crawford and Chris Mellor from Dorset People First
Aisha Edwards, a member of Lewisham People's Parliament
Alex Ruck Keene from 39 Essex Chambers
Claire Doherty from Chrysalis Cumbria
Sarah Thomas from Shropshire Parent Carer Council

Learning Disability England hope others can gain ideas, use the contributions from the speakers and celebrate the achievements of everyone involved.

Learning Disability England (LDE) is England’s only national movement where people with learning disabilities, families, friends and people that work in services come together on an equal basis to work for people with learning disabilities on having good lives with equal choices and opportunities as others. Individual membership is only £12 per year. 

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Film | 06.04.21

Inclusion, intellectual disabilities, England, Film

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