Seeking Transformation

It is easy to talk about transformation, but it's much harder to make change meaningful and significant.

Authors: John O'Brien and Christopher Liuzzo

The notion that we can transform ourselves, our community or an organisation that we are connected to has become commonplace. But often we cheat. We redefine the goal so that it becomes too easy and nothing of value is achieved.

This essay explores the difference between genuine transformation and the commodified versions that so often take its place. The authors identify the need for real tension in a shared social field and a willingness - on every side - to listen more deeply to people's hopes, fears and understandings of the world. Without this willingness even the most enthusiastic advocate of change is in danger of offering solutions that don't really bring about meaningful change, but simply corrupt our language.

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The publisher is John O'Brien.

Seeking Transformation © John O'Brien and Christopher Liuzzo 2020.

All Rights Reserved. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher except for the quotation of brief passages in reviews.


Paper | 08.07.20

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