Carl Poll Scholarship

Assisting people to attend the Manavodaya Institute.

The Carl Poll Scholarship programme was established by friends of Carl in order to assist people to attend the Manavodaya Institute.

The Manavodaya Institute is working in partnership with Citizen Network to support the work of Manavodaya internationally by granting Carl Poll Scholarships.

Carl Poll Scholarships are for people who want to attend the Manavodaya Institute in India to learn about the art of facilitation, but who lack the necessary resources.

Attendance at the Manavodaya Institute currently costs $1,200 for two weeks, and includes accommodation, food and local travel costs. However flights are not included in the fee.

UPDATE: October 2018 – the next international course to be held at the Manavodaya Institute will run from Monday 11th March to Friday 23rd March 2019.

The Scholarship Awards Panel will review applications in terms of 3 questions:

  1. What contribution will you be able to make to meet your costs?
  2. What work will you do on your return?
  3. How will you share your learning in the future?

We expect to grant about 3 applications every year, with an average cost of $1,200 (USD) although applications can be for less or more than this amount, depending on circumstances.

We would be particularly keen to get applications from people under the age of 30 and from people in countries where there is currently no established connection to Manavodaya.

To apply for a Carl Poll Scholarship please write a letter which provides information about yourself and your answers to the 3 questions above, to:

Pete Richmond
Manavodaya International
℅ Partners for Inclusion
84 Portland Street

Email your application to Pete and please get in touch with him if you’d like more information:

The closing date for applications is 9:00am GMT on Monday 3rd December.
Interviews via skype for those shortlisted will be scheduled for the following week.

In the future the Fund will also be working with Citizen Network to generate more funding and to support the development of projects that will put into practice the principles of Manavodaya in other places around the world.

Manavodaya International is the name for the Scottish Charity Manavodaya International UK Number SC042051

Project | 12.02.18

community, Global, Project

Pete Richmond



Varun Vidyarthi

