Simon Cramp


Simon has been a leading force in many campaigns to ensure that people with disabilities are treated as full human beings - with rights and the full capacity to play a meaningful part in all aspects of community life. He has written about his campaigning life in Don't Cramp My Style.

Simon has a learning difficulty himself and was an early member of the National Forum for People with Learning Disabilities. He has a great interest in politics and political structures and has always been keen to get involved to make things better, and is proud to be a Lifetime Member of Learning Disability England. 

Simon has appeared in front of the joint select committee drafting the mental incapacity bill and was very involved in promoting Valuing People. He is an experienced chair and speaker, and was very involved in promoting access to ordinary housing. Simon has also been an important advocate for personalisation and co-authored a key paper on supported decision-making in 2004. 

Simon is also a powerful advocate on making writings accessible and he worked for several years as a member of the advisory committee on older and disabled people for Ofcom. He has also worked at a senior board level for two major learning disability organisations. 

Simon lives in Chesterfield. His family is very important to him: especially his dad, brother and sister.

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