Devolution Yorkshire

Supporting activists and groups working for devolution and democratic reform in Yorkshire.

Yorkshire is a region of England with a long history and a strong sense of identity. However England is a hyper-centralised country where most power is controlled from London. Ironically the only part of England with any significant level of regional devolution is London itself, which has both an elected Mayor and an elected Assembly. 

Yorkshire’s population is the same size as Scotland’s yet it has none of the democratic power of Scotland.

Citizen Network Research published the Yorkshire Declaration which sets out the case for devolution in Yorkshire.

Devolution Yorkshire is a network, hosted by Citizen Network, which exists to support the various campaigns and movements to advance devolution in Yorkshire. The network hosts a mailing list and supports initiatives that advance the case for meaningful devolution in Yorkshire. It is not a campaigning group in its own right; it aims support any or all groups working towards devolution in Yorkshire.

If you are interested in improving life in Yorkshire you might be interested in joining or connecting with one or more of the following groups:

The Democracy Network is the UK’s umbrella organisation for all groups who support democratic reform.

Independent Constitutionalist’s UK is a campaign group advocating for a new democratic constitution for the UK.

Liberating Yorkshire offers a long-term vision and advocates a new democratic constitution for the Yorkshire Region.

Policies for devolution in Yorkshire

 We have contacted all the political parties in England to clarify their position on regional democracy and devolution for Yorkshire. 

Here is the statement from Yorkshire and the Humber Green Party:

The Green Party believes that power should be devolved as much as possible and be democratically controlled. We therefore welcome the call for a Yorkshire Assembly with wide powers, including tax raising powers. We would like to see a democratic Yorkshire Parliament elected by proportional representation and working closely with the local authorities across Yorkshire.

The Yorkshire Party is a political party working for devolution in Yorkshire. On its website, the Yorkshire Party states:

The Yorkshire Party’s vision is one of subsidiarity – where powers are exercised as close to the people as possible. We believe that the historic county of Yorkshire, with its own distinct identity, economic output and culture should be able to determine her own future in the form of a Regional Parliament.

We await responses from the Labour Party, Conservative Party and Liberal Democrat Party. Please contact us directly if you can clarify the party's policy.

If you want to get involved or just stay in touch then please add your name to our list.

Simon Duffy


President of Citizen Network

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