Multi-Agency Working in Domestic Abuse and Safeguarding Children

This report shares learning from a project run by WomenCentre in Calderdale aiming to improve safeguarding children in families experiencing domestic abuse.

Authors: Sue Peckover, Berenice Golding and Peter Cooling

In 2011-2013 WomenCentre in Calderdale undertook a project which aimed to improve safeguarding children in families experiencing domestic abuse. 

Referred to as the ‘WomenCentre Safeguarding and Domestic Violence Pilot’, this Department of Education funded project focused upon improving multi-agency work at operational and strategic levels in relation to domestic abuse and safeguarding children, particularly in families with complex histories where domestic abuse co-existed with other problems such as mental illness and/or substance abuse.

Evaluation of the ‘WomenCentre Safeguarding and Domestic Violence Pilot’ was undertaken by a research team based at the Centre for Applied Childhood Studies2 at the University of Huddersfield. This report discusses some critical issues emerging from the Pilot, building upon an earlier interim report produced in April 2012 (Peckover et al., 2012).

The publisher is The University of Huddersfield.

Multi-Agency Working in Domestic Abuse and Safeguarding Children © Sue Peckover, Berenice Golding and Peter Cooling 2013.

All Rights Reserved. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher except for the quotation of brief passages in reviews.


Paper | 01.10.13

education, Paper