Keys to Citizenship in Czech

Infographics on the keys to citizenship translated into Czech by Quip.

These infographics on the Keys to Citizenship were created by Simon Duffy and translated by Quip into Czech.

1. Keys to Citizenship - Klíče k občanství:

2. Structure of Citizenship - Struktura občanství:

3. Role of Citizenship - Úloha občanství:

4. Meaning - Význam:

5. Freedom - Svoboda:

6. Money - Peníze:

7. Home - Domov:

8. Help - Pomoc:

9. Life - Život:

10. Love - Milovat:

The publisher is the Citizen Network Research.

Graphics on Keys to Citizenship in Czech © Simon Duffy 2019.

All Rights Reserved. Please reference the authors and the publisher if you use them.

Album | 17.12.19

Keys to Citizenship, Czech Republic, Album

Alfred Richter

Czech Republic


Simon Duffy


Citizen Network Team

Also see