In Control Scotland - a library

In Control Scotland (ICS) is Citizen Network’s strategic partner in Scotland.

In Control Scotland (ICS) is Citizen Network’s strategic partner in Scotland.

ICS promotes best practice in self-directed support in Scotland in order that as many people as possible can live independently as full and active citizens.

Our website contains a rich range of resources: a variety of articles, videos, tools, designed to unlock the power of self-directed support to help people change their lives.

Other parts of the website describe our current activities and provide information about forthcoming ICS events.

Please feel free to access all of this, and let us have your feedback!

Inspiration | 31.10.16

disability, intellectual disabilities, local government, mental health, Self-Directed Support, social care, Scotland, Inspiration

John Dalrymple


Director of Radical Visions

John Dalrymple


Director of Radical Visions