CitizenFest 2019

This is a record of CitizenFest in 2019.

CitizenFest is a celebration of inclusive citizenship, and the possibilities of a world where everyone matters – without exception. 

CitizenFest is an opportunity to get together, to learn from each other, creating and sharing a world community through shared values.

CitizenFest 2019

CitizenFest Glasgow - We Are One took place in Glasgow in August 2019. 

John and Frances of Radical Visions brought together a wide range of organisations from across Scotland to build upon the 7 Keys to Citizenship, producing a programme covering 3 days of workshops, music, debate, art, films, stalls and food. 

Here's what happened:

We Are One on Facebook

We Are One on Twitter

#CitizenFest on Twitter

No Labels No Walls took place in Helsinki in September 2019. 

Markus of Kukunori, and The Strindberg Laboratory brought together diverse organisations and individuals to form a movement believing that what we have in common is more powerful than what separates us. 

Here's what happened:

No Labels No Walls on Facebook

No Labels No Walls on Instagram

No Labels No Walls on Twitter


Project | 01.07.19

faith & creativity, Global, Project

Frances Brown



John Dalrymple



Meri Pakarinen

