
Resisting UK Government attacks on the welfare state

Austerity is a lie. The term implies that there has been an economic crisis and that we must all tighten our belts. The reality is that the powerful have used a financial crisis, caused by unjust and failing economic policies, as an excuse to punish disabled people and people in poverty.

The Centre for Welfare Reform continues to document the injustices created by current policies and will continue to support campaigners and activists to share the true facts about austerity and social justice in the UK.

We want to live in a society that works for everyone - for the common good. That means paying particular attention to those facing discrimination, disadvantage, poverty and exclusion.

If you have information you want to share or if you want to work with us please email Simon Duffy, Centre for Welfare Reform.

We've pulled together wide-range of resources in our library here.

Articles in the news section you may find useful:

Free images for social justice campaigners:

Les Monaghan is a photographic political artist and shares his work on Relative Poverty here.

This short film discusses the issue of cuts:

Project | 24.05.19

social justice, England, Project

Simon Duffy


President of Citizen Network

Simon Duffy


President of Citizen Network