Submission to LibDem welfare policy

Liberal Democrat Consultation Paper 123: Working-Age Social Security

Action | 04.03.16

The Centre is aiming to comment on the Liberal Democrats' Consultation Paper 123: 'Working-age Social Security'.

If you would like to contribute your ideas to the Centre's submission then please email Simon Duffy by 4th April 2016.

Download the Liberal Democrat's paper at:

"This consultation paper represents the first stage in the development of new Party policy on working-age social security. Designed to stimulate internal/external discussion and debate, this paper is not yet representative of agreed Party policy. Key questions are listed but additional thoughts on other relevant issues are welcome. During 2016, a consultative session at Spring Conference will discuss this paper. A fully costed policy paper, based on consultation and working group deliberations, will be presented for debate at Autumn Conference."