An invitation from the National Coalition for Independent Action (NCIA) to a Witness Seminar in London on 10th March.
Event | 15.02.17
Where Now and What Next for Independent Voices?
The National Coalition for Independent Action (NCIA) invite you to a Witness Seminar.
Date: Friday 10th March 2017
Time: 1pm - 5pm
Address: London Welsh Centre
157–163 Grays Inn Road
London WC1X 8UE
You are: active in a civil society group, voluntary or community-based organisation, activist, faith-based, campaigning or radical action group
We will all: explore contemporary challenges for independent voice in a 2017 context, one year on from NCIA’s formal closure
What we will do: Workshops • Speakers • Discussion • Carousel • Action
Chose themes, bring themes or organise your own 5 minute stand up, here are some so far:
email with the subject line: 'Yes I'm coming to NCIA Witness Seminar'
Find out more about NCIA, visit: