A public meeting in Sheffield on the impact of welfare reforms and cuts - 6 May.
Event | 20.03.14
This is a public meeting on the impact of welfare reform and cuts in Sheffield.
To cover the deficit caused by the recession the Government is cutting spending, because they do not want to borrow more or raise taxes. These cuts are not evenly shared. As some areas are not having their budgets cut, half the cuts are falling on just two areas: Local Government and Benefit Support. Half of all the spending Local Government controls goes on Social Care. This means that, whatever the intention, cuts are being targeted at the most vulnerable in society.
Dr Simon Duffy (The Centre for Welfare Reform) will present evidence on the cumulative impact of cuts, showing how those in poverty or relying on social care are being hardest hit.
Frances Potter (Sheffield Citizens Advice Bureau) will talk about the impact of welfare reform and cuts on people in Sheffield.
Speakers will then be joined on a “Question Time” panel by:
Cllr Mahzer Iqbal (Sheffield Labour Party)
Sarah Jane Smalley (Sheffield Green Party)
Listen Up! (Sheffield Diocese project giving voice to those affected by welfare reform)
Questions and comments from the audience will be welcome.
Sheffield Quaker Meeting House
10 St James Street
S1 2EW
On: Tuesday 6th May
At: 7pm
All welcome - refreshments from 6:30pm.
Let people know you're coming via this facebook page.